bullet Steve ACORD(34)

Children were: Amie ACORD.

bulletADAM died in 930. He was born 0.

Children were: CAIN , ABEL, SETH.

bulletLeah ADAM.

She was married to Jacob DEISHER on 12 Aug 1848.

bullet Charles Francis ADAMS(35) was born on 7 Oct 1862 in Wabash Co., IL.

He was married to Mary Eliza COZINE on 27 Apr 1887 in Wabash Co., IL.. Children were: Della Ruth ADAMS, Gentry Dale ADAMS.

bullet Clifford ADAMS(36)

bulletDella Ruth ADAMS(35) was born on 21 Dec 1892 in Wabash Co., IL.. Parents: Charles Francis ADAMS and Mary Eliza COZINE.

bullet Dora Hortensa ADAMS(37) was born on 29 Jul 1879 in Adams County, Nebraska.

She was married to Wiliam Henry KROH on 23 Dec 1902 in CA.. Children were: Jeannette KROH, Sadie KROH, Frederick KROH.

bullet Gentry Dale ADAMS(35) was born on 28 Sep 1898 in Wabash Co., IL.. Parents: Charles Francis ADAMS and Mary Eliza COZINE.

bullet Susan C ADAMS

She was married to Samuel A. WALLACE on 12 Jul 1827 in Owensboro, Daviess Co, KY. Children were: James Arthur WALLACE, Margaret Mary WALLACE , William Eli WALLACE, John Adams WALLACE, Elizabeth J. WALLACE.

bullet Alvin ADAMSON(5) died in 1997.

Children were: Earnest "Shorty" ADAMSON, Larry Wayne ADAMSON, William Doyle ADAMSON, Lula Jane "Toot" ADAMSON.

bulletEarnest "Shorty" ADAMSON(5). Parents: Alvin ADAMSON and Virginia Mae "Ginna Mae" NORRIS.

bulletLarry Wayne ADAMSON(5). Parents: Alvin ADAMSON and Virginia Mae "Ginna Mae" NORRIS.

bulletLula Jane "Toot" ADAMSON(5). Parents: Alvin ADAMSON and Virginia Mae "Ginna Mae" NORRIS.

bulletWilliam Doyle ADAMSON(5). Parents: Alvin ADAMSON and Virginia Mae "Ginna Mae" NORRIS.

bulletADELA . Parents: King of France HENRY I KING OF FRANCE and ANNE.

She was married to Count of Flanders BALDWIN V. Children were: Countess of Flanders MATILDA.

bullet ADELAIDE Parents: Duke of Aquataine;Auvergne; WILLIAM IV and of Poitiers abdicated in 990.

She was married to Duke of the Franks 956-987 Hugh CAPET KING OF FRANCE. Children were: King of France 996-1031 Robert CAPET KING OF FRANCE.

bullet ADELAIDE Parents: King of France LOUIS I.

She was married to Count of Anjou ROBERT "THE STRONG" rector of the Abbey of Marmoutier. Children were: King of France15th June 923 ROBERT Markgraf of Anjou:Count of Paris.


She was married to Count of Poitiers RANULPH II Duke of Aquataine. Children were: Duke of Aquataine EBBLES Count of Ponthiou.


She was married to Count of Vermandois HUBERT IV. Children were: ADELE.

bullet ADELE Parents: Count of Vermandois HUBERT IV and ADELE DAUGHTER OF RAOUL.

She was married to Hugh CAPET. Children were: ELIZABETH.

bullet ADELE Parents: King of England EDWARD I "THE ELDER" and ECGWYN.

She was married to Duke of Aquataine EBBLES Count of Ponthiou. Children were: Count of Auvergne & Poitiers WILLIAM III Duke of Aquataine.

bullet ADELLIZE 'ADELE' Parents: Count of Champagne ROBERT .

She was married to Goeffrey D'ANJOU of Vermandois . Children were: Count of Anjou Reigning in 987 FULK "THE BLACK".

bullet Calvin ADOLPH

Children were: Calvin ADOLPH.

bulletCalvin ADOLPH. Parents: Calvin ADOLPH and Marilyn HENNEBERRY.

bulletKing of Kent AETHELBERT ruling from 725 to 760. Parents: King of Kent WHITRED.

Children were: King of Kent EAHLMUND.

bulletKing of England AETHELBERT. Parents: King of Kent EORMEARIC .

He was married to BERTHA. Children were: King of Kent EADBALD.

bullet King of England AETHELWULF Parents: King of Wessex ECGBERT and RADEBURGH.

He was married to OSBURGH. Children were: King of England ALFRED "THE GREAT".


Children were: FEBRIC GLAS.

bulletAGNAN . Parents: TAIT.

Children were: LAMHFIONN.

bulletAGNES OR EMMA. Parents: Duke of the Franks Hugh CAPET "THE GREAT" Count of Paris and Hedwig THE FOWLER.

She was married to Duke od Normandy RICHARD I "THE GOOD" 3rd wife. Children were: Duke of Normandy RICHARD II "LE BON".

bullet Lois AHRENS(18)

She was married to James Boyd , Jr. HARROLD in 1942 in Oakland, CA..

bullet Mitch Thomas Mithell AIDE(11) was born on 22 Mar 1956 in CA.. He was a Scientist/biologist. Parents: Ollie AIDE and Carolyn Eva MCCRARY.

bullet Monica Jeanne AIDE(11) was born on 7 Sep 1958. She was a Court Reporter. Parents: Ollie AIDE and Carolyn Eva MCCRARY.

bullet Ollie AIDE(11) was born on 3 Aug 1924. He died in 1992 in Phoenix, AZ. He was a Doctor of Pharmacy.

He was married to Carolyn Eva MCCRARY on 16 Jun 1946 in San Bernardino, CA. Children were: Mitch Thomas Mithell AIDE, Monica Jeanne AIDE.

bullet Count of Vermandois ALBERT died in 988.

He was married to GERBERGA. Children were: HUBERT III.

bullet Duke of Alsatia ALBERTUS Parents: Duke of Alsatia ETHICUS .

Children were: Duke of Alsatia EBERHARD.

bulletPaul ALCOM(37) was born on 27 Nov 1898 in Princeton, IN. He died on 27 Nov 1898 in Princeton, IN.. Parents: Phillip ALCOM and Anna Florence COVINGTON.

bullet Phillip ALCOM(37) was born on 6 Jan 1876 in Princeton, IN.

He was married to Anna Florence COVINGTON on 21 Aug 1897 in Fairfield, IL.. Children were: Paul ALCOM.

bullet Eliza ALCORN(38)

bulletErnest Sumner ALDEN(18) was born on 20 Mar 1866 in Jonesboro, IL.

He was married to Emma Jane KROH on 3 Jul 1888 in Anna, IL.. Children were: Vesta Diana ALDEN.

bullet Vesta Diana ALDEN(18) was born on 20 Jan 1890 in Anna, IL.. Parents: Ernest Sumner ALDEN and Emma Jane KROH.

bullet Allison Melissa ALDERSON(6) was born on 1 Jun 1960 in Dallas, TX.. Parents: Larry Dan ALDERSON and Susan Jane SCALES.

bullet Amanda Jane ALDERSON(6) Parents: Larry Dan ALDERSON and Susan Jane SCALES.

bullet Amy Melissa ALDERSON(6) was born on 23 Jul 1961 in Dallas, TX. Parents: Larry Dan ALDERSON and Susan Jane SCALES.

bullet Larry Dan ALDERSON(6)

Children were: Amanda Jane ALDERSON, Allison Melissa ALDERSON , Amy Melissa ALDERSON.

bulletMary Emily ALES.

She was married to Robert Elesha MCREYNOLDS on 14 Aug 1907. Children were: George Joseph MCREYNOLDS , Sarah Ellen MCREYNOLDS.

bullet George Crawford ALEXANDER(28) (29) was born in 1835. He died in 1844. Parents: Mark ALEXANDER and Mary MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN .

bullet Mark ALEXANDER(28) (29) was born in 1803.

Children were: George Crawford ALEXANDER.

bulletStanley L ALFIELD(2).

He was married to Sheila Kay HENSLEY on 25 Dec 1962 in Olney. Ill.. (39)

bullet King of England ALFRED "THE GREAT" died in 901. Parents: King of England AETHELWULF and OSBURGH.

He was married to ELASWITH in 868. Children were: King of England EDWARD I "THE ELDER".

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