bullet Joel Carter BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet John Wesley BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet Robert BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet Annie BENNET was born about 1804 in KY.

She was married to Samuel BRYANT on 28 Jun 1827 in Ohio, Kentucky. Children were: John Wesley BRYANT.

bullet Ronald Ray BENNET(22) was born on 25 Jan 1933.

He was married to Pamela Sue WILLIS on 26 Jul 1969.

bullet Dennis BENNETT(2)

He was married to Sarah Kathryn POLSTON in 1957.

bullet J. F. BENNETT

Children were: Mitilda BENNETT.

bulletMitilda BENNETT was born on 5 Jul 1816. She died on 14 Nov 1853 in Ohio, Kentucky. Parents: J. F. BENNETT.

She was married to Franklin WALLACE on 25 Jan 1836 in Ohio, Kentucky. Children were: Herbert WALLACE, Joseph T. WALLACE.

bullet James BENSON(41) died on 21 Oct 1965.

He was married to Eva Louise HUST on 13 Aug 1960.

bullet Phena BENSON

Children were: Mary Ellen WILLIAMS .

bulletElizabeth BENSON-HIGGINS-SPANGLER was born on 13 Mar 1867. She was born on 13 Mar 1867. She died on 22 Mar 1935 in Champion, Nebraska. She died on 22 Mar 1935 in Champion, Nebraska. She was buried in Hiawatha Cementary Chase Co. Neb.

She was married to Heinrich [Friederich] Wilhelm WICKENCAMP on 20 May 1911 in Champion, Nebraska.

bulletJohn Thomas BENTON was born on 18 Sep 1833. Parents: Nicholas John BENTON and Elizabeth WALLACE.

bullet Mary E. BENTON was born on 12 Mar 1840. Parents: Nicholas John BENTON and Elizabeth WALLACE.

bullet Nancy BENTON

Children were: George Washington WALLACE , Joseph WALLACE, Benjamin WALLACE, John Benton WALLACE, Talbott WALLACE, Mary Ann WALLACE, Elizabeth WALLACE, Polly WALLACE, Franklin WALLACE, Nancy WALLACE, Eliza WALLACE, Minerva WALLACE, Finis B. WALLACE, Samuel WALLACE.

bulletNicholas John BENTON.

He was married to Elizabeth WALLACE on 8 Nov 1830 in Ohio, Kentucky. Children were: John Thomas BENTON, Pheby A. BENTON, William H. BENTON, Mary E. BENTON, Ruth Ellen BENTON.

bullet Pheby A. BENTON was born on 30 Aug 1835. Parents: Nicholas John BENTON and Elizabeth WALLACE.

bullet Ruth Ellen BENTON was born on 1 Oct 1846. Parents: Nicholas John BENTON and Elizabeth WALLACE.

bullet William H. BENTON was born in 1839. Parents: Nicholas John BENTON and Elizabeth WALLACE.

bullet BEOUMAN Parents: HEBER SCUTT.

Children were: OGHAMAN.

bulletElizabeth BERKELEY of noted ancestry.

She was married to John De SUTTON. Children were: Edmond SUTTON patron of Aston-le-Walls Rectory.

bullet Count of Poitiers BERNARD I Marquis of Gotha died after 865. Parents: Count of Poitiers-Herbauge-Nantes RENAUD I and BILCHILDE .

Children were: Count of Poitiers RANULPH II Duke of Aquataine.

bulletKing of Lombardy BERNARD. Parents: King of Italy PEPIN .

Children were: Count of Vermandois PEPIN.

bulletBetty BERRY(70). Parents: Zealous BERRY and Velveteen MARX.

bulletDale BERRY(70). Parents: Zealous BERRY and Velveteen MARX.

bulletEdward BERRY was born about 1787 in Washington Co. IN. He died about 1843.

He was married to Mary BRASELTON on 15 Dec 1808.

bullet Francis BERRY was born about 1772 in Virginia. He died on 17 Mar 1835 in Washington Co. Ky.

He was married to Elizabeth BRASELTON on 28 Nov 1799 in Washington Co. Ky. Children were: Rachel Shipley BERRY.

bullet Lee BERRY(70) Parents: Zealous BERRY and Velveteen MARX.

bullet Rachel Shipley BERRY Parents: Francis BERRY and Elizabeth BRASELTON.

bulletSam BERRY(70). Parents: Zealous BERRY and Velveteen MARX.

bulletZealous BERRY(70).

He was married to Velveteen MARX.(71) Children were: Betty BERRY, Sam BERRY , Dale BERRY, Lee BERRY .

bullet Gerold Elmer BERSTROM(22)

He was married to Bonnie Jean WILLIS on 4 Dec 1952.

bullet BERTHA Parents: King of the Franks CHARIBERT reigned at Paris .

She was married to King of England AETHELBERT . Children were: King of Kent EADBALD.

bullet Prince of the Saxons BERTHOLD Parents: Prince of the Saxons BODICUS.

Children were: King of the Saxons SIGHARD .


She was married to FULK LE RECHIN "CROSS LOOKING" Count of Anjou. Children were: Count of Anjou FULK V "THE YOUNG".

bullet Albert BEST(72) was born in Pa.

He was married to Ethel Dreda LAUGHLIN in 1889 in Atchinson, KS. Children were: Mabel Helen Lucretia BEST.

bullet Mabel Helen Lucretia BEST(72) was born on 20 Jul 1894 in KS.. Parents: Albert BEST and Ethel Dreda LAUGHLIN.

bullet Samuel BIEBER

He was married to Maria [Deysher] DEISHER on 14 Jun 1820 in Oley Twn. Berks Co. Pa.

bullet Hannah BIEHL

Children were: William DEISHER, Reuben DEISHER, Jacob DEISHER, John DEISHER, James DEISHER, Katy DEISHER, Daniel DEISHER.

bulletHugh BIGOD died in 1225. He Magna Charta in signed. Parents: Roger BIGOD Earl of Norfolk and Isabella PLANTAGENENT .

He was married to Maud MARSHALL. Children were: Knight and Earl Sir Ralph BIGOD of Norfolk and Suffolk .

bullet Isabel BIGOD

She was married to of Trim Castle, Ireland Gilbert DE LACIE. Children were: Maud DE LACIE .

bullet Roger BIGOD Earl of Norfolk died in 1220. He Magna Charta in signed.

He was married to Isabella PLANTAGENENT. Children were: Hugh BIGOD.

bullet Knight and Earl Sir Ralph BIGOD of Norfolk and Suffolk Parents: Hugh BIGOD and Maud MARSHALL.

He was married to Bertha DE FURNIVAL. Children were: of Trim Castle, Ireland Gilbert DE LACIE.

bullet BILCHILDE Parents: Count of Anjou and Mons RORICAON I.

She was married to Count of Poitiers-Herbauge-Nantes RENAUD I. Children were: Count of Poitiers BERNARD I Marquis of Gotha.

bullet BILE Parents: BREGHAN.

Children were: MILESUIS OF SPAIN.

bulletElizabeth BINGHAM.

Children were: Melissa TRIBLE.

bulletKing of Sweden BIORN III. Parents: king of Sweden EDMUND .

Children were: Strayborn STARKE.

bulletEarl of Huntingdon BIORN died in 1043. Parents: Earl of Huntingdon ULF and ASTRID.

Children were: Earl of Huntingdon SIWARD.

bulletAnna Maria BISHOP.

She was married to John Benton WALLACE on 31 Jul 1828 in Ohio, Kentucky. Children were: Hosea B. WALLACE, Margaret WALLACE, Mary Ann WALLACE, George WALLACE, Martha F. WALLACE, Charles WALLACE, Joshua WALLACE, Dorcus WALLACE, Maria WALLACE, Nancy WALLACE, Hannah WALLACE, John R. WALLACE.

bullet Miss BISSET was born in Glens of Antrim, Scotland.

Children were: Gillies MAC SOMERLED.

bulletDaniel BITTING.

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