bullet 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire [Our Uncle] AUGUSTUS CAESAR died 14 A.D.. She was born 63 B.C.. Parents: GAIUS OCTAVIUS IV and ATTIUS BALBUS.

bullet Lucy AUKERMAN

Children were: Jean LaVaughn WHITE , Wendell Marion WHITE.

bulletAURELIA .

She was married to Praetor GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR III. Children were: JULIA, [ Our Uncle] GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR IV.

bullet Amand AUSTIN(28) (29) was born in 1913.

Children were: Susan AUSTIN, Jane Liddell AUSTIN.

bulletJane Liddell AUSTIN(29). Parents: Amand AUSTIN and Del SWEATT.

bulletSusan AUSTIN(29) was born in 1948. Parents: Amand AUSTIN and Del SWEATT .

bullet Susan AUSTIN(28) (29) was born in 1950.

Children were: David Horton EDLEN, Michael John EDLEN.

bulletRuler of the Britons AVIRAGUS died 74 A.D.. Parents: Official of the Britons CUNOBELINE.

He was married to VENUS JULIA [VANESSA]. Children were: MARIUS .

bullet Gilbert AYALA(28) (29) was born in 1958.

bulletLovina BABB.

bulletAmelia BABCOCK(1) was born on 19 Mar 1841 in Parkmont, OH. She died on 28 Aug 1906 in Belle Plains, IA.

She was married to Stephen Kieffer KROH on 10 Nov 1891 in Belle Plains, IA.

bullet Caroline BACK was born in 1843 in IL.. She was buried on 19 Dec 1887 in Powers Chapel, Rosebud, Falls, TX.

She was married to John Dorcus [Dorsey] ROSE on 13 Jun 1857 in Laom. Children were: George Washington ROSE, Charley R ROSE, Isabell J ROSE, Harvey C ROSE, David ROSE, Henry A ROSE, Ola ROSE, Anna Rose ROSE, Thomas Franklin ROSE.

bullet Rondine BACON(11) died in May 1996.

Children were: Marcia Nan [Nan] POPPETT.

bulletComfort BAGWELL was born about 1663 in Accomack Co., Virginia. Parents: Thomas BAGWELL and Ann STOCKLEY.

She was married to Perry LEATHERBURY about 1680. Children were: Comfort LEATHERBURY.

bullet David BAGWELL

Children were: Henry BAGWELL.

bulletHenry BAGWELL was born on 29 Oct 1589 in Petrock, Exeter, Devonshire, England. Parents: David BAGWELL.

Children were: Thomas BAGWELL.

bulletJeffry D. BAGWELL was born on 17 Oct 1922. He died in Apr 1999.

He was married to Ann ROSKY. Children were: Mary Ann BAGWELL.

bullet Mary Ann BAGWELL was born on 2 Feb 1950. Parents: Jeffry D. BAGWELL and Ann ROSKY.

She was married to James Floyd BRYANT on 16 Jan 1981.

bullet Thomas BAGWELL was born in 1642 in Matomkim, Virginia. He died on 16 Sep 1690 in Accomack Co., Virginia. Parents: Henry BAGWELL and Alice.

Children were: Comfort BAGWELL.

bulletBAIN .

He was married to Louella MCRAVEN.

bullet George P. BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet James A. BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet Mary BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet Rachel E. BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet Rebecca BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet William H. BAIRD Parents: William Lynn BAIRD and Nancy WALLACE.

bullet William Lynn BAIRD

He was married to Nancy WALLACE on 22 Oct 1837 in Ohio, Kentucky. Children were: George P. BAIRD, William H. BAIRD, Rebecca BAIRD, Mary BAIRD, James A. BAIRD, Rachel E. BAIRD.

bullet Carol BAKER(5)

She was married to Delbert COX on 11 Apr 1953. Children were: Deborah Carol COX, Larry Dale COX, Carl Wayne COX, Loretta Fay COX, Lolita Kay COX, Richard Lee COX, Cheri Lynn COX, Barbara Gail COX.

bullet Carolyn Sue BAKER was born on 1 Jul 1944 in Albion, Illinois. Parents: Paul Eugene BAKER and Esther Eloise COX.

She was married to Richard L. STUBBLEFIELD on 14 Oct 1967 in Sesser, Illinois. Children were: Jennifer Lynn STUBBLEFIELD, Sara Elizabeth STUBBLEFIELD, Rebecca Alyce STUBBLEFIELD.

bullet Dana Marie BAKER was born on 23 Dec 1976. Parents: John Henry BAKER and Donna SHORT.

bullet Danny Lee BAKER was born on 6 Apr 1973. Parents: John Henry BAKER and Donna SHORT.

bullet Indimium Daniel BAKER was born on 25 Jan 1950 in Albion, Illinois. He was adopted in Sep 1950 in John & Belva Franklin of Logan, Illinois adopted both John Henry and Indimium Daniel.. He died in Jun 1957 in Logan, Illinois. Parents: Paul Eugene BAKER and Esther Eloise COX.

bullet John Henry BAKER was born on 23 Aug 1948 in Albion, Illinois. He was adopted in Sep 1950 in John & Belva Franklin of Logan, Illinois adopted both John Henry and Indimium Daniel.. Parents: Paul Eugene BAKER and Esther Eloise COX.

He was married to Donna SHORT on 28 Dec 1967 in Logan, Illinois. Children were: John Henry ,Jr. BAKER, Danny Lee BAKER, Dana Marie BAKER.

bullet John Henry ,Jr. BAKER was born on 30 Mar 1969. Parents: John Henry BAKER and Donna SHORT.

bullet Paul Eugene BAKER

He was married to Esther Eloise COX on 5 Apr 1940. He was divorced from Esther Eloise COX in 1950. Children were: Paul Eugene , Jr. BAKER, Carolyn Sue BAKER, John Henry BAKER, Indimium Daniel BAKER.

bullet Paul Eugene , Jr. BAKER was born on 7 Jul 1941 in Albion, Illinois. He was adopted in Sep 1950 in John & Margaret Hoffman of Murphysboro, Illinois. Parents: Paul Eugene BAKER and Esther Eloise COX.

He was married to Dorothy Frances ZUKOWSKI on 15 Dec 1967.

bullet Sarah BAKER

bulletCount of Flanders BALDWIN I. Parents: King of France CHARLES II and LADY RICHILDIS.

He was married to Princess JUDITH OF FRANCE. Children were: Count of Flanders BALDWIN II.

bullet King of Jerusalem BALDWIN II Count of Hainault Crusades in 1035 in went on 1st Crusade nver returned. He died in 1099.

He was married to IDA. Children were: BALDWIN III Count of Hainault .

bullet Count of Flanders BALDWIN II Parents: Count of Flanders BALDWIN I and Princess JUDITH OF FRANCE.

He was married to ETHELWIDA. Children were: Count of Flanders ARNOLPH "THE GREAT".

bullet BALDWIN III Count of Hainault died in 1120. Parents: King of Jerusalem BALDWIN II Count of Hainault and IDA .

He was married to YOLANDE. Children were: Gertrude.

bullet Count of Flanders BALDWIN III Parents: Count of Flanders ARNOLPH "THE GREAT" and LADY ALIX OF VERMANDOIS .

He was married to LADY MATILDA OF SAXONY. Children were: Count of Flanders ARNOLPH II.

bullet Count og Flanders BALDWIN IV Parents: Count of Flanders ARNOLPH II and LADY SUSANNA D'IVREE OF ITALY .

He was married to LADY AGIVE of Luxembourg. Children were: Count of Flanders BALDWIN V.

bullet Count of Flanders BALDWIN V Appointed during Minority of Phillip I in regent of France. Parents: Count og Flanders BALDWIN IV and LADY AGIVE of Luxembourg.

He was married to ADELA. Children were: Countess of Flanders MATILDA .

bullet Mary BALL was born in 1708. She died in 1789.

Children were: President George WASHINGTON, Charles WASHINGTON , Betty WASHINGTON.

bulletDorothy BALLARD.

Children were: Denney COLLINS.

bulletBALLIET .

She was married to Martin KERSTETER. Children were: Nora Anna KERSTETER.

bullet John BANINE was born on 5 Jun 1816. He died in 1905.

Children were: Joel Carter BENINE, John Wesley BENINE, Harriet Dalpha BENINE, Elizbeth BENINE, Adeline BENINE, David BENINE, Robert BENINE.

bulletKaren Fern BANKS(62).

She was married to Bradley BURTON. Children were: Israel Richard BURTON.

bullet James BANKSTON

He was married to Elizabeth MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN on 17 Apr 1844.

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