COX(5) Parents: James Robert COX and Judy SALMON.
Millard G. COX(66) was
born on 17 Jan 1933. Parents: Millard
Sheardon COX and Anna Mae HIDELBRADER.
He was married to Mary Kathryn HILAKOS on 25 Jun 1955. Children were: Gerald Lee COX, Michael Alan COX.
Millard Sheardon COX(66)
was born on 4 Jun 1895 in Indiana. He died on 30 Mar 1982 in Mt.
Vernon, Indiana. He was buried in Mt. Zion Cem. Parents: Calvary COX and Mary
He was married to Anna Mae HIDELBRADER on 20 Jul 1918 in Posey Co., Ind. Children were: Dorothy M. COX, Mary Francis COX, Norma Louise COX, Millard G. COX.
Myrtle M. COX(101)
was born in May 1893. Parents: Phillip
Sheridan COX and Mary Lucymae ECKELS.
Nancy COX(76)
She was married to Joseph COX on 20 Jan 1825.(129)
Nancy COX(113)
Parents: Johnathon COX and Betsy HAYS.
She was married to Joseph COX on 20 Jan 1825. (130)
Nancy C COX
She was married to John T[ Turkey ] COX on 27 Jun 1878. Children were: Fronia COX, William Ezra COX, Henry COX, Mary COX.
Nancy E COX(8) was born
about 1859. Parents: Isaac COX and Melissa .
Noah COX(31) was born
about 1798 in NC. Parents: Absolom COX
and Martha [Patsey] GARRIS.
Children were: Georgia COX, Noah COX, Mary COX .
COX(31) was born about
1837. Parents: Noah COX and Polly.
Norma Louise COX(66)
was born on 19 Apr 1925. Parents: Millard
Sheardon COX and Anna Mae HIDELBRADER.
She was married to Edward Henry DIERLAM on 21 Oct 1944. Children were: Vera Diane DIERLAM, Larry Lee DIERLAM.
She was married to Edgar BOBERG on 27 Dec 1985.
Orval COX(110) was
born on 27 Oct 1907 in Posey Co., Ind. could be twin county
records show 2 births on Book CH-5, page 66, the other B-6 106???
Parents: Wayne COX and Mary Lucymae ECKELS.
Ottis Ewell COX(66)
was born in 1900. Parents: Calvary COX
and Mary KITCHEL .
COX(101) was born in
Feb 1890. Parents: Phillip Sheridan COX
and Mary Lucymae ECKELS.
Children were: Eva CRULLEY .
Lee COX(5) was born on
15 Feb 1901. She died on 1 Mar 1904. Parents: Henry COX and Lue
Cindie JOYNER.
Petrina Louise COX(5)
Parents: Alfred Lee (Pete) COX and Newthemia SULLINS .
Phillip Sheridan COX(101)
was born on 11 Apr 1869. He died on 11 Jun 1895 in Posey Co.,
Ind. Parents: Absolom COX and Nancy Jane ALLISON.
He was married to Mary Lucymae ECKELS on 20 May 1889 in Posey Co., Ind. Children were: Pearl COX, COX, Myrtle M. COX.
Ralph COX(41) was born
on 20 Jun 1920. Parents: Elmer M. COX
and Elizabeth CAUSEY.
He was married to Irma Me WADE on 26 Dec 1946.
Ralph Mitchell COX(5)
Parents: Harrison COX and Louisi PUCKETT.
Ramon Lee COX [photo] was
born on 4 Jan 1959 in Mt.Carmel, Illinois Wabash County. He was
born on 4 Jan 1959. Parents: Robert Eugene
COX and Rubie Lea MCRAVEN.
He was married to Carol Ann HARVEY on 26 May 1984 in Princeton Indiana Gibson Co. He was divorced from Carol Ann HARVEY.
Ray COX(5) was born on
8 Sep 1937. Parents: Lumus Henry COX
and Mary Iva .
Raymond Anthony COX(5)
was born in 1906. He died in 1908. Parents: Harrison COX and Louisi PUCKETT.
Raymond Hershel COX(36)
was born on 14 Nov 1913. He died on 22 May 1980. Parents: Charles Edward COX and Lula Mae GWALTNEY.
Children were: Raymond Hershel Jr. COX, Betty Ann COX, Linda Lou COX, Kenneth Wayne COX.
Hershel Jr. COX(36)
was born on 17 Aug 1932. Parents: Raymond
Hershel COX and Alnora APPMAN.
Lee COX(5). Parents: Delbert COX and Carol
COX(8) was born about
1844. Parents: Joseph COX and Molly.
Robert Dale COX was born on 2 Nov 1909. He was born on 2 Nov
1909. Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX
and Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS .
He was married to Evelyn. Children were: Robin COX, Linda COX, John Edwin COX.
Robert Dale COX(41)
was born on 10 Jan 1928. Parents: Everitt
Earl COX and Edna Laura KINCHLOE.
He was married to Nelly TURNER on 6 Nov 1948.
Robert Eugene COX [photo Bob Ruby
young] [photo Bob and Ruby older]
was born on 11 Jul 1922 in Elm St. Albion, Ill Edwards County. He
died on 9 Dec 1997 in Princeton Indiana Gibson Co. He was buried
on 12 Dec 1997 in Highland Mem. Park Cemetary Mt.Carmel,
Illinois. He had Social Security Number 325-18-8815. My Father
was a wonderful man. He was a great mechanic and knew everything
there was to know about cars. He was a Tech. Sarge. in the Air
Force during WWII. and worked on the air craft. After the war I
believe he worked at the brick plant for a while. He mostly
worked as a mechanic later until he retired. He was a great
husband to my mother always helping around the house, and later
when she became disabled doing everything around the house and
taking care of her. I loved him and miss him very much.
Parents: John Larkin COX and Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.
He was married to Rubie Lea MCRAVEN on 8 Mar 1942 in St. Charles County, Missouri. Children were: Ruth Ann COX, Robert Eugene Jr COX, Ramon Lee COX, Ronald Dee COX.
Robert Eugene Jr COX [ photo Bob
& Shirley] was born on 10 Aug 1945 in
Mt.Carmel, Illinois Wabash County. He was born on 10 Aug 1945.
Parents: Robert Eugene COX and Rubie Lea MCRAVEN.
He was married to Shirley Joanne PENTZ 18 Jan 191969 in Pa. Children were: Matthew Thomas COX. [photo]
Robin COX was born on 1 Nov 1945. Parents: Robert Dale COX and Evelyn.
Ronald Dee COX [photo of Bonnie &
Dee] was born on 3 Jul 1960 in Mt.Carmel, Illinois
Wabash County. He was born on 3 Jul 1960. Parents: Robert Eugene COX and Rubie
He was married to Bonnie Elizabeth COCHRANE on 8 Jul 1983 in Princeton Indiana Gibson Co. Children were: Christine Renee COX, [photo] Micheal Ryan COX. [photo]
Roy Allen COX(5)
Parents: Harrison COX and Louisi PUCKETT.
Ruth A. COX(66) was
born on 4 Oct 1893. She died in 1965. Parents: Calvary COX and Mary
Children were: Robert Calvery HARGER .
Ann COX was born on 13 Jul 1942 in Gibson co. Princeton,
Indiana. Parents: Robert Eugene COX and Rubie Lea MCRAVEN.
She was married to Charles Jacob Junior BRASELTON on 16 Mar 1960 in Albion, Ill. Children were: Barbara Lou BRASELTON , Elizabeth Ann BRASELTON, Carol Ann BRASELTON, Deborah Lynn BRASELTON, Tracy Jo BRASELTON.
Ryan Jesse COX(66) was
born on 22 May 1989 in Marengo, IN. Parents: Michael Alan COX and Deborah Lynn CHESSER.
Sam COX(8) was born
about 1854. Parents: Isaac COX and Melissa .
Samuel COX(36) was
born in 1913. Parents: Charles Edward COX
and Lula Mae GWALTNEY.
Sara Ellen COX(66) was
born on 20 Sep 1890. She died in 1953. Parents: Calvary COX and Mary
Sarah COX(139) was
born on 30 Jul 1861. She died on 1 Aug 1891. Parents: Absolom COX and Nancy
She was married to James F. TENNISON on 26 Jun 1882 in Posey Co., Ind. Children were: TENNISON.
Sarah COX(24) (25) was born in 1811 in NC.
She died on 3 Nov 1906 in Campbell Co. Tennessee. Parents: William COX and Mary
"Polly". Parents: Willaim
COX and Mary "Polly".
She was married to Joseph SMITH on 1 Nov 1864 in Boone County, Indiana.
She was married to Eli WILSON about 1834 in Hawkins Co. Tennessee. Children were: Calvin WILSON, Sina "Fanny" WILSON, Jerimiah W. "Jerry" WILSON, Mary J. WILSON, Elizabeth WILSON, Armstead WILSON, Eliza WILSON.
Sarah COX(13) was born
in 1853. She died in 1904. Parents: John
T. COX and Sally [Sarah] HARRIS.
She was married to Greenberry CAUSEY on 31 Mar 1871 in Posey Co., Ind. Children were: Charles CAUSEY, Kelly CAUSEY, Grace CAUSEY, Lemuel CAUSEY, Rachel CAUSEY.
Sarah COX(113)
Parents: Johnathon COX and Betsy HAYS.
Sarah COX Parents: Harold Edward. COX
and Mary V. BARFIELD.
Sarah Ann COX(140) (141) was born in May 1859
in Tennessee. (142)
Parents: Joseph S. [Smith] COX and Mary Elizabeth WITT.
She was married to David DERR about 1877.(143) Children were: Cora Alice DERR, Christina DERR.
Sarah E. COX(8) was
born about 1852. Parents: Elijah COX
and Elizabeth PRICE.
Silas M COX(76)
Parents: John [Doublehead] COX and Sarah ROGERS.
Children were: Mary COX.
Kane COX(36) was born
on 7 Apr 1911. Parents: Charles Edward
COX and Lula Mae GWALTNEY.
Children were: Deloris DICKHAUT .
Faye COX(41) was born
on 30 Oct 1936. Parents: Elmer M. COX
and Elizabeth CAUSEY.
She was married to James M. LAMB on 17 May 1955.
Stephen COX(144)
Parents: Absolom COX and Martha [Patsey] GARRIS.