bullet Emma Iva GRIGGS(149) was born on 25 Sep 1910. Parents: Carl GRIGGS and Anna DEISHER.

She was married to Cecil PAINTER on 8 Jan 1925.(150)

bullet Gladys Marie GRIGGS(149) was born on 25 Jul 1909. Parents: Carl GRIGGS and Anna DEISHER.

She was married to Harry JENKINS .(150)

bullet Charles GRIM

bulletDuke of Bavaria GRIMOLD II. Parents: THEODON III Duke of Bavaria.

He was married to VALENTRUDA. Children were: SUNNICHILDA.

bullet Duke of Bavaria GRIMOLD died in 695. Parents: Duke of Bavaria TASILO II.

Children were: THEODON III Duke of Bavaria.

bulletGRIMTHANN NIODH-RAR was born living during time of Christ. Parents: LUDAIDH-SRIABH-N-DEARG.

Children were: FEAREADACH FIONN.

bulletDaniel GRISEMER.

He was married to Catherine DEISHER on 23 Oct 1814.

bullet Myrtle Dawn GRISSOM was born on 28 Jun 1885 in Glasford, Peoria Co., IL. She died on 25 Dec 1962 in Pekin, Tazewell Co., IL.

She was married to Albert Jasper MONTGOMERY on 23 Nov 1902 in Pekin, Tazewell Co., IL. Children were: Myrtle Louise MONTGOMERY, Leona Violet MONTGOMERY, Ralph Jacob MONTGOMERY , Martha Matilda Rose MONTGOMERY, Audrey Nadine MONTGOMERY, Harry Albert MONTGOMERY , Perry Franklin MONTGOMERY, Howard Cyril MONTGOMERY, Paul Richard MONTGOMERY , Jack Neil MONTGOMERY.

bullet Michael Peter GROMAN(28) (29) was born in 1937. Parents: William Paul GROMAN and Helen Elizabeth HARVEY.

bullet William Paul GROMAN(28) (29) was born in 1902.

Children were: William Paul Jr. GROMAN, Michael Peter GROMAN.

bulletWilliam Paul Jr. GROMAN(28) (29) was born in 1937. Parents: William Paul GROMAN and Helen Elizabeth HARVEY.

bullet Mary Hardin GROSS(41)

She was married to Kenneth E. COX on 24 May 1996 in Mt Vernon, IN.

bullet Beckie GRUBB(15) Parents: Donald GRUBB and Neva BURTON.

bullet Donald GRUBB(15)

Children were: Beckie GRUBB, Judy GRUBB, Pam GRUBB.

bulletJudy GRUBB(15). Parents: Donald GRUBB and Neva BURTON.

bulletPam GRUBB(15). Parents: Donald GRUBB and Neva BURTON.

bulletGladys GUARD.

Children were: Donald LANSDOWN, Sandra LANSDOWN.

bulletGladys D. GUGELMAN.

She was married to [August] Henry Martin MAX in Apr 1928.

bullet King of the Visigoths GUNDIOCH

Children were: King of the Visigoths HILPERICH.

bulletKaren Ann GUSTAFSON(11) was born on 2 Apr 1964 in CA..

She was married to Christpher Milton GRENZ on 5 Nov 1988 in Anaheim, CA.

bullet Lori Rosella GUSTAFSON(2)

She was married to Daniel Duane PARR on 3 Jul 1999 in Greenbush, MN.(39)

bullet Dillard Lee GUTHERY(80) was born on 1 Sep 1941 in Sayre, Beckham, OK.

bulletGWALTHNEY (8).

bulletLula Mae GWALTNEY(36) was born on 3 Apr 1880 in Illinois. She died on 16 Dec 1969.

She was married to Charles Edward COX on 10 Mar 1901 in Posey Co., Ind. Children were: Lillian Beatrice COX, Emmett Erwin COX, Alice Mildred COX, Calvin Adolph COX, Silvia Kane COX, Raymond Hershel COX, Samuel COX, Lowell COX.


He was married to AUDA. Children were: King of Denmark Harold HILDESTAND.

bullet Grace Vivian HAKES(61) was born on 26 Feb 1877 in Huron Co., OH.. Parents: Samuel Albert HAKES and Mary Elizabeth PRYOR.

She was married to Henry Stevens CONNOR on 27 Jul 1896 in North Fairfield, OH. Children were: Thelma CONNOR, Lionel Zwingli CONNOR.

bullet Samuel Albert HAKES(61) was born on 10 Aug 1850 in Bronson, OH.

He was married to Mary Elizabeth PRYOR on 31 Oct 1874 in Bronson, OH. Children were: Grace Vivian HAKES, Zwingli Kroh HAKES.

bullet Zwingli Kroh HAKES(61) was born on 26 Nov 1879 in Olena, OH.. Parents: Samuel Albert HAKES and Mary Elizabeth PRYOR.

bullet Leopold HALBIG

Children were: Margaret HALBIG.

bulletMargaret HALBIG was born on 10 Mar 1890 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. She died on 30 Mar 1982 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Leopold HALBIG and Katherine M. HOFFMAN.

She was married to Samuel Keagy ROSE on 19 Mar 1906. She was married to Samuel Keagy ROSE on 19 Mar 1907. Children were: Neva Fern ROSE, Walter F. ROSE, Francis ROSE, Wilma ROSE, Mildred ROSE, Ruby Leona ROSE, Minnie Margaret ROSE.

bullet Mary Jane HALE(12)

She was married to Samuel D Jr. MCREYNOLDS on 10 May 1821 in Blount Co. TN. Children were: Margaret MCREYNOLDS, MCREYNOLDS, Alexander Hale MCREYNOLDS, Mary Jane MCREYNOLDS, Samuel M. MCREYNOLDS, Sarah J. MCREYNOLDS, Claiborne Delaney MCREYNOLDS , James W. MCREYNOLDS.

bullet HALFDAN I Ruler of Vestvold died in 750. Parents: OLAF I .

He was married to DAUGHTER OF EYSTIEN. Children were: EYSTEIN I.


He was married to LIFA. Children were: King of Norway Sigurd RING.

bullet HALFDAN OF LETHRA Parents: King of Denmark PRODE VII and Princess of the Goths HILDE.

Children were: FRODE OF LETHRA.

bulletHALFDAN . Parents: King of Denmark Harold HILDESTAND.

Children were: King of Denmark 813-837 HEMING OF JUTLAND .

bulletHALFDAN Ruler of Rosekill. Parents: Ruler of Rosekill VALLDER .

Children were: king of Rosekill IVAR VIDRAMA "THE WIDESPREADING".

bulletIvar HALFDANSSON was born after 770 in Oppland, Norway.

Children were: Eystien "Glumra" IVARSSON.

bulletBetty Arzelia HALL(175) was born on 23 Jun 1930 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Simpson HALL and Mary Pearl DEISHER.

She was married to Howard PAINTER on 16 Oct 1948. Children were: Cathy Rae PAINTER, Daniel Allen PAINTER.

bullet Clarence Tom HALL(1) was born on 1 Nov 1918 in Lawrence, KS.

He was married to Mabel Lucille KROH in Nov 1947 in Las Vegas, NV. Children were: Holly HALL.

bullet Holly HALL(1) was born on 18 Apr 1949 in Oakland, CA.. Parents: Clarence Tom HALL and Mabel Lucille KROH.

bullet Simpson HALL(175)

He was married to Mary Pearl DEISHER on 17 Feb 1930.(176) Children were: Betty Arzelia HALL.

bullet Andrew Robert HALTON(29) was born in 1987. Parents: William Dickens HALTON and Cathy Rose TAYLOR.

bullet Robert Forrest HALTON(28) (29) was born in 1934.

Children were: William Dickens HALTON, Robin Ninette HALTON, Saxton Forrest HALTON.

bulletRobin Ninette HALTON(29) was born in 1967. Parents: Robert Forrest HALTON and Margaret Ellen SAXTON.

bullet Saxton Forrest HALTON(29) was born in 1972. Parents: Robert Forrest HALTON and Margaret Ellen SAXTON.

bullet Taylor Matthew HALTON(29) was born in 1991. Parents: William Dickens HALTON and Cathy Rose TAYLOR.

bullet William Dickens HALTON(29) was born in 1962. Parents: Robert Forrest HALTON and Margaret Ellen SAXTON.

Children were: Andrew Robert HALTON, Taylor Matthew HALTON.

bulletHAM was born in 1562. Parents: NOAH.

bullet James HAMILTON was born about 1475. He died about 1529. Parents: SIR James HAMILTON and Mary STEWART.

Children were: Jean HAMILTON, James HAMILTON.

bulletSIR James HAMILTON was born in 1415 in Cadzow. He died in 1479. Parents: James II HAMILTON.

He was married to Mary STEWART in 1474. Children were: James HAMILTON.

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