Sally MCREYNOLDS Sally, the youngest child of John and Hannah never
married, but spent
her life near Wadesville, Indiana. She always "got happy" and shouted
all over the church. Parents: John MCREYNOLDS and
Hannah NEAL.
MCREYNOLDS(96) Parents:
Samuel Davis MCREYNOLDS and Elizabeth Ellen CRAIG
MCREYNOLDS was born on 7 Jan 1784. He died on 5 Feb 1850. 1830 U.S. Census
- Indiana
Posey County, Smith Township
Sam McReynolds 2 males 5-10, 2 males 10-15, 3 males 15-20, 1 male 40-50, 1
female under 5, 1 female 30-40
We now come to Samuel, the eldest son of Joseph and HenriettaMcReynolds. He was
born in North Carolina, January 6th,1784. Although he had little schooling, he
was a studious minded fellow, and was always considered one of the best informed
men in the comunity. On October9th, 1804 he married Milbrey Dement. The first
time she saw Samuel he was sitting on a bench in a large crowd at a camp meeting.
He was exorting the people to repentance. He was a deeply religious man and a
strong Presbyterian. Although there was no church of his choice near him, after
locating in Indiana, he always worked heartily with the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church. He donated the grounds for the campground, and then for the church, where
Mt. Pleasant Church and Cemetary still stand. A short time after their marriage
Samuel and Milbrey moved across the state line into Kentucky. They lived in Sumner
Co. Tennessee at the time of their marriage.[ At least Sam did. Milbrey lived
in Alabama, not far from Huntsville.] The Kentucky farm they first lived on was
in the river valley and the land was very fertile. But it was unhealthy there.
Their first two children were born there, Lucinda and James, and both diedi n
infancy. Samuel had a most severe case of rheumatism. He lay helpless for many
months. He had no idea he would ever get well again, but he finally began to
improve. He still found he was a cripple for life. His legs were all drawn out
of shape, and his knees would not bend. He was never able to dress himself again,
and he could not walk without crutches.He owned two or three slaves and he returned
to Sumner Co. Tennessee.He again tried to farm with slave labor, but it was entirely
unsatisfactory as the slaves would not work when sent out alone, and he did not
farm extensively enough to hire an overseer. In Tennessee four more children
came. Matilda was born February 14, 1810,William October 6th, 1812, Samuel Davis
April 10th,1814, and Joseph September 20th, 1816. Slave labor was so unsatifactory
to him he often thought of moving to the free states north of the Ohio River.
He had heard glowing accounts of the fertility of the lands in that region. After
the battle of Tippecanoe, and the power of the Indians in that region was broken,
the country was made perfectly safe for white settlers, so he decided to try
his luck in that land. He sold his slaves and his other holdings in Tennessee
and went on a prospecting tour of Indiana.He rode in a two-wheel cart or gig
as he called it and had an attendant with him of course. The first land he looked
at in Indiana was where Evansville now stands. Although it was covered with fine
timber the area was too hilly to suit him. Then he came out into what is now
Smith Township, Posey Co. and selected a tract of land about a half of a mile
east of where Mt. Pleasant Church now stands. This land was all heavily timbered
and it seemed a man as crippled as he was would have to have a strong heart to
attemt to carve out a farm in that wilderness. But he went to Vincennes, paid
the government a dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the land and then
returned for his family in Tennessee. He hired a young man who had recently married
to go to Indiana and work for him. This man's name was Moses Dorset. All these
people arrived in Indiana in the early autumn, and Dorset imediately began to
cut poles with which to build a small cabin. This cabin was very small. The cracks
were all chinked and daubed with mud. The roof was of split clapboards held on
with weight poles. One end was a large fireplace with a chimney built of sticks
heavily daubed with mud to keep from catching fire. The floor was of puncheon
split out of the timber and smoothed with an adz. In this crude building made
entirely of the forrest these two families lived through the winter. Dorset then
began to clear a small field in which to raise a crop the following spring. He
grubbed out the small brush and cut the small trees in the tract. He deadened
the larger timber and in the spring he took his steel pointed wooden plow and
tore up the fertile soil sufficiently to be able to plant it in corn. The corn
came up nicely, but a great flock of blackbirds came out of the woods and pulled
it all up. Dorset was very much discouraged. Samuel and his oldest son, now about
six years old, drove to New Harmony, where a company of German Socialists from
Pennsylnania had recently settled. They bought a shotgun and plenty of Shot.
Then as soon as the corn began to peep through the soil, Samuel and his small
son went to the field. The boy carried the gun and helped him load it, and together
they killed a great number of birds and crippled many more. The cries of the
other birds seem to scare them more than the gun. The birds left the field and
the corn was this time permitted to grow. Of course no big crop was raised that
year in such a field, but they did raise enough corn to feed themselves and all
their stock, until they could raise enough of some other crop. In another year
this field had been more perfectly cleared, and some other land also cleared.
Meat was plentiful, for all Dorset had to do was go out in the woods with his
rifle and in a short time he had all the meat he wanted. Deer was plentiful,
wild turkeys, Pheasants, and squirrels were found in abundance.Dorset continued
to work for Samuel for many years, and from the savings from his salary he was
able to buy a farm adjoining the land then owned by Samuel. The two families
were the best of friends.Samuel, in a short time, had built a comfortable log
house near the cabin and lived there. He continued to buy other tracts of land
until he owned about seven hundred acres. Much of this land was cleared and put
into cultivation, all of course by hired labor until his sons were old enough
to work the clearings. The neighbors soon found out that Samuel was well learned
for that day in that region, and as they needed a school, Samuel was one of the
first teachers in what is now Smith Township. A few years later he was elected
associate judge of Posey Co. He served in that capacity for a number of years.
There are old court dockets or records signed by Samuel McReynolds in the year
1832. The following children were born to Samuel and Milbrey after they came
to Posey Co. Indiana: Nelson born Februaray 7th, 1819, Alexander A. born June
17th, 1821, Robert orn April 7th, 1825, and Nancy born March 31st,1828. Samuel,
as well as his father before him was a democrat in politics and a strong Presbyterian.
Samuel did not see fit to change his membership as there was no church of his
denomination near. But the Cumberland Presbyterian organized a church at a very
early date in the neighborhood,and Samuel always had his camp at the campgrounds.
Parents: Joseph MCREYNOLDS and
Henrietta BROWNING.He was married to Milbrey DERMONT
on 9 Oct 1804. Children were: Lucinda MCREYNOLDS
, James MCREYNOLDS, Mathilda
MCREYNOLDS(12) was born in 1749 in
Lancaster, PA [Cecil Co.]. He died in 1807 in Bledsoe, TN. Samuel McReynolds
was born in 1749 in , Lancaster, Pa.. He died in 1807 in , Bledsoe Co., TN.
He was christened. He was buried. He has reference number 130. Source: "McReynolds,
a Noble Clan" by William Howard McReynolds (1917 -1981)
Copyright 1980; Printed by Don's Printing, 120 East Missouri,
Kirksville, Missouri. ID Code J16, page 262; Quote:
Samuel McReynolds was born in the Cecil County, Maryland-Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania area, the son of Joseph and Sarah Dixon McReynolds. The
first record we have of Samuel McReynolds is where he was assigned land in Washington
County, Virginia in the year 1768. He was married, date unknown, presumedly in
Washington County, Virginia, to Sarah Margaret Woods, the Woods family being
early pioneers of that area.
Samuel was very active in the real estate business. When the land was
surveyed and the deeds recorded in 1783, Samuel laid claim to a large parcel
of land. Samuel McReynolds, Washington County, Virginia acted as Attorney in
selling his brother John's land in Lincoln County, North Carolina in the year
1785 and his father Joseph's land located in Campbel l County, Virginia in 1794.
In the Washington County, Virginia land transactions, Samuel's wife always signed
her name as Sarah but the Compendium of Biographies from Tennessee refer to her
as Margaret. The last joint deed we find for them is dated Feb. 16, 1802.
On 27 November 1804, Samuel McReynolds, resident of Blount County,
Tennessee, sells some of his Washington County, Virginia land . His wife's name
does not appear on this transaction which signifies that she deceased between
the last two above mentioned dates.
Family sources state that Samuel moved from Virginia to the Sequatchie
Valley, Bledsoe County, Tennessee taking his aged father with him. The father
Joseph reportedly died in 1806 and is buried on the farm owned by the son Samuel.
Since the Bledsoe County Courthouse burned in 1908 it is difficult to obtain
adequate county history of our early ancestors. We do find a land entry for Samuel
McReynolds dated Aug. 30, 1807. From our research we determine these to be the
Children of Samuel and Sarah Margaret Woods McReynolds:
1. John (1778-1822) m. Jane McReynolds
2. Joseph (____-1822) m. Rachel Rainey
3. Robert (____-____) m. Celia Snider
4. Sarah (____-____) m. David Rainey
5. James (____-____) no marriage record
6. Margaret (1786-1870) m. Alexander Coulter
7. Samuel, Jr. (1793-1865) m. (1.) Jane Hale
(2.) Anna D. Stephens
Tennessee descendants of Samuel McReynolds, Sr. state that he was a
Revolutionary war veteran which claim may very well be true as most able bodied
men participated in that encounter but as yet I have been unable to find any
official records on which to base this claim.
_____________________________________________________________________ __________
Source: from the McReynolds Family Newsletter, by John McReynolds, 13 14 Dena
Street, Chesapeake, Virginia. Vol. 1, Spring 1971:
Samuel, son of Joseph McReynolds, was closely associated with his father.
Several of Joseph's sons moved away from him to North Carolina and various parts
of Tennessee. Joseph spent the latter part of his life with Samuel and died in
Tennessee while living with him. Samuel must have had a good mind for business
as Joseph allowed him to conduct his business transactions in his absence.
January 1794: Joseph McReynolds grants power of attorney to Samuel McReynolds,
in and about the land in the state of Virginia, County Campbell, "to make
deed in my name". Signed 12 January 1794 in the presence of Robert McReynolds,
Halbert McClure and Leonard McReynolds.
Deed Book 1 Page 362. (see Joseph McReynolds RIN 102 for detailed transcript
of Deed.)
Samuel McReynolds moved to Bledsoe County (Eighth District ) Tennessee
being among the earliest settlers of the Sequatchie Valley -- - taken from Compendium
of Biography sent by Mrs. James R. Hamilton of Baltimore, Maryland.
Samuel McReynolds married Margaret ________ and was known to have at
least two sons; Samuel D. and John, both born in Virginia. The sons will be covered
in a later issue.----Editor.
He was married to Sarah Margaret Woods about 1768 in , Washington Co., VA. Sarah
Margaret Woods was born. She was christened. She died. She was buried. She
has reference number 131. Clan: pg 262
Samuel McReynolds and Sarah Margaret Woods had the following children:
i. John McReynolds.
ii. Joseph McReynolds.
iii. Robert McReynolds.
iv. Sarah McReynolds.
v. James McReynolds was born in , Washington Co., VA. He was christened.
He died. He was buried. He has reference number 3552. Clan: J165, pg 262, 266;
no marriage record
Notes: James evidently migrated to Bledsoe County, Tennessee with the rest of
his family. In the year 1814 he is dealing real estate in Bledsoe County . On
several occasions we find James and his brother Joseph as partners in real
estate transactions. One instrument dated May 9, 1816 involving James and
Joseph McReynolds, and Jesse Rainey whereby Jesse Rainey purchases one-third
interest in the McReynolds partnership for $3000.00 states that the McReynolds
brothers own considerable Real Estate in the state of Virginia not connected
with the firm (Salt Works) and therefore excluded from the agreement.
vi. Margaret McReynolds.
vii. Samuel D. McReynolds Jr..
Parents: Joseph MCREYNOLDS and
Sarah DIXON.He was married to Sarah Margaret
WOODS in 1768 in Washington Co. Va.. Children were:
MCREYNOLDS was born on 27 Feb 1766 in Caswell Co. NC. He died bdf 1776 in
Washington Co. Va.. Samuel, Son of Roland lived near Lynchville, Virginia. He
was a planter
and a teamster. None of his descendents ever came to Indiana.
Parents: Roland MCREYNOLDS and
Agnes Ann RICH.
Mary Bell.
(14) was born on 27 Feb 1766. He was born on 2 May 1776. He died
on 7 Nov 1854. Parents: Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Martha RICH.He was married to Mary DEAKENS
on 19 Aug 1796.
D Jr. MCREYNOLDS(12) was born in Jun
1797 in Washington Co. Va.. He died on 13 Feb 1865 in Pikeville, Bledsoe Co.
TN. Parents: Samuel MCREYNOLDS and
Sarah Margaret WOODS.He was married to Mary Jane
HALE on 10 May 1821 in Blount Co. TN. Children were:
Sarah J. MCREYNOLDS, Claiborne Delaney MCREYNOLDS
He was married to
Anna Davis STEVENS on 10 Aug 1844 in Bledsoe, TN. Children were:
Isaac Stevens MCREYNOLDS, Martha Josephine MCREYNOLDS
, Joseph MCREYNOLDS, Thomas
David MCREYNOLDS was born in 1867. Parents: Joseph
Davis MCREYNOLDS(96) was born on 10
Apr 1814 in Sumner, Co. Tennessee. He died on 9 Jan 1898. Parents:
Samuel MCREYNOLDS and Milbrey DERMONT.He was
married to Elizabeth Ellen CRAIG on 2 Feb 1845 in
Posey Co., Ind. He was married to Elizabeth Ellen CRAIG
on 2 Feb 1845 in Posey Co Indiana. Children were:
Children were: Joseph Marion MCREYNOLDS
, Robert Nelson MCREYNOLDS.
Davis MCREYNOLDS(96) was born on 1
Oct 1848. He died on 26 Aug 1906.(249)
He was buried in Mt.Pleasant Cem Cynthiana, Ind.
(249) Parents: Samuel Davis MCREYNOLDS
and Elizabeth Ellen CRAIG.
Davis MCREYNOLDS(12) was born on 16
Apr 1872 in Bledsoe County, Tenn. He died on 11 Jul 1939 in Washington DC.
He was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tenn.. McREYNOLDS, Samuel
Davis, a Representative from Tennessee; born on a farm near Pikeville, Bledsoe
County, Tenn., April 16, 1872; attended the rural schools, People's College,
Pikeville, Tenn., and Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; studied law; was
admitted to the bar in 1893 and commenced practice at Pikeville; served as assistant
district attorney of the sixth judicial circuit of Tennessee in 1894 and 1896;
moved to Chattanooga in 1896 and continued the practice of law; appointed judge
of the criminal court for the sixth circuit of Tennessee on April 16, 1903; subsequently
elected and twice reelected to the same office and served until February 1, 1923,
when he resigned, having been elected to Congress; elected as a Democrat to the
Sixty-eighth and to the eight succeeding Congresses and served from March 4,
1923, until his death; delegate to the International Monetary and Economic Conference
at London, England, in 1933; died in Washington, D.C., July 11, 1939; interment
in Forest Hill Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tenn.
In the acquirement of his education Samuel D. McReynolds attended Peoples College
at Pikeville and afterward became a student in Cumberland University at Lebanon,
Tennessee. He then entered the law office of his cousin, the Hon. J. B. Frazier,
at Chattanooga, for the study of law and was admitted to the bar in April, 1893.
He then began practice in Pikeville, but in 1895 removed to Chattanooga, where
he has since made his home. He was assistant attorney-general of the old sixth
district in 1894 and in 1895 he entered upon the private practice of law as a
partner of John H. Cantrell of Chattanooga, with whom he was associated for eight
years. He was then appointed to the position of judge of the criminal court in
April, 1903, by Senator J. B. Frazier, and from that time until the latter part
of January, 1923, he remained upon the bench. His district covered Hamilton county,
although when he took office he had jurisdiction over four counties. With the
increasing population, however, it has been necessary to divide the district.
Twice he was elected to the bench without opposition.
In 1922 Judge McReynolds became a candidate on the democratic ticket for representative
in congress from the third district of the state, comprised of the counties of
Bledsoe, Bradley, Franklin, Grundy, Hamilton, Marion, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe,
Polk, Sequatchie, Van Buren, Warren, and White. At the regular election on November
7, 1922, he defeated his republican opponent, R. L. Burnett, by a majority of
close to eight thousand votes.
In March, 1910, occurred the marriage of Judge McReynolds and Miss Mary Davenport,
who was born in Hamilton county, Tennessee, a daughter of R. B. Davenport, a
retired wholesale merchant now interested in the hosiery mills. Judge and Mrs.
McReynolds have one child, Margaret Henriette. The parents are active members
of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, and Mrs. McReynolds has served as president
of the General A. P. Stewart Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy. She
was educated in the schools of Chattanooga and in the Ward School at Nashville
and is a lady of liberal culture and innate refinement. Judge McReynolds is identified
with the Masonic fraternity, having become a Knights Templar Mason and is now
an active worker in the Mystic Shrine. He likewise belongs to the Knights of
Pythias, in which he is a past chancellor, and he is connected with the Knights
of Khorassan, with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and with the Benevolent
Protective Order of Elks. As mentioned before, Judge McReynolds has always given
his allegiance to the democratic party, but he has devoted the greater part of
his time and efforts to his responsible position upon the bench. However, he
is the owner of an excellent farm, which returns to him a gratifying annual income.
His entire course is one which reflects credit and honor upon the judicial history
of the state and the worth of his work is widely acknowledged and highly appreciated
by the general public.
By Peggy Grenz - Sep 20, 2000
Hello McReynolds cousins, I just received an old family bible and in it was
a newspaper article about Rep. Samuel D. McReynolds of Tennessee, a member of
the US delegation to the world economic conference, and his daughter, Margaret
Henriette McReynolds. (It is a very long article and unfortunately not dated,
but I am sure someone in this family either knows about this or could find out.)
The article, written by Henry T. Russell, United Press Correspondent in London
states: "Miss Margaret Henriette McReynolds, of Tennessee, a studious young
woman of 21 with large brown eyes, auburn hair and an infectious smile, saw King
George and Queen Mary at court because the king had too soft a heart to turn
her down. Miss McReynolds, daughter of Rep. Samuel D. McReynolds, a member etc
etc etc., received special notice that she would be permitted to attend the court,
despite a ruling that wives and daughters of delegates would be barred, there
being too many who applied. Originally she had been included in tonight's court
presentation list, which includes 12 other American women. Joyfully, she made
her preparations for the coveted honor. But her hopes faded into tears when Buckingham
palace issued a rule that ladies accompanying delegates to the economic parley
were barred at this court reception." goes on for about five more
long paragraphs....I'll be happy to continue this at another time if any of you
are interested. I just love the way they used to write this type of's
feminists would be hugely offended :-)) On the back of the article, written
in pencil, is a sentence which states: "Grandmother McReynolds son Samuel
Mc played his cornet and saxaphone before King George when he went to Europe".
So, guess he was related to 'bout you? Peggy Poppett Grenz, granddaughter
of Eva McReynolds Poppett
Parents: Isaac Stevens MCREYNOLDS and
Virginia A. DAVIS.He was married to Mary DAVENPORT
in Mar 1910. Children were: Margaret Henriette MCREYNOLDS
Jackson MCREYNOLDS(11) was born on
26 Mar 1853 in New Harmony, Posey Co, IN. He died on 19 Jan 1933 in Oklahoma
City, , OK. He was a Circuit Preacher. Parents: John
was married to Cynthia Annie ALSUP on 30 Jan 1876.
Children were: Pearl MCREYNOLDS,
Clarence Edwin MCREYNOLDS.
M. MCREYNOLDS(12) was born on 8 Oct
1829 in Bledsoe, TN. He died on 1 Aug 1899 in Bledsoe, TN. Source: 1870 Federal
Census, Bledsoe Co., TN; pg. 4, dwelling 21:
McReynolds, S.M. age 40, Farmer, POB TN, R/E $6,000, P/P $300
Lizzie E. age 30, , POB TN,
Charlie age 11, , POB TN
Joseph age 9, , POB TN
James age 7, , POB TN
Halley 4/12ths , POB TN
Clemon, Sarah age 20, black female, Domestic Unit, POB TN
note: It is apparent from the above census that Samuel had considerable
property and was a Plantation owner. I beleive that Sarah Clemon was kept on
after the Civil War as an employee around the house . A Black McReynolds family
was living adjecent to Samuel's property at the time of this Census which I also
beleive to be former Slaves of Samuel McReynolds:
McReynolds, ????
Parents: Samuel D Jr. MCREYNOLDS and
Mary Jane HALE.Children were: Charlie L. MCREYNOLDS
, Joseph MCREYNOLDS, James
He was married
to Kate BELL on 30 May 1876.
MCREYNOLDS(14) was born on 27 Mar
1762. Parents: Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Martha RICH.
(251) was born in 1765 in Caswell Co. NC. Parents:
Roland MCREYNOLDS and Agnes Ann RICH.
MCREYNOLDS(12). Parents:
Samuel MCREYNOLDS and Sarah Margaret WOODS.
Children were: Nancy RAINEY.
MCREYNOLDS(21) was born about 1751.
Parents: Joseph MCREYNOLDS and
Sarah DIXON.
E. MCREYNOLDS(96) was born in 1851.
Parents: Samuel Davis MCREYNOLDS and
Elizabeth Ellen CRAIG.
Ellen MCREYNOLDS(77) Parents:
Robert Elesha MCREYNOLDS and Mary Emily ALES.
She was married to Thomas BRADFORD.
(78) Children were: Thomas Franklin BRADFORD
, Margaret Ann BRADFORD,
Ellen MCREYNOLDS(252) Parents:
Leo Elber MCREYNOLDS and Amanda MAUCK.
J. MCREYNOLDS(12) was born in 1832
in Bledsoe, TN. Parents: Samuel D Jr. MCREYNOLDS
and Mary Jane HALE.
Jane MCREYNOLDS(11) was born on 18
Jul 1847. She died in 1930 in Cushing, OK. She was ill with pneumonia in 1930.
Parents: John Berry MCREYNOLDS and
Mathilda CARNAHAN.Children were: Martha BELLIS
, John Jr. BELLIS.
MCREYNOLDS(14) was born on 5 May 1805
in Washington Co. Va.. He died on 11 Jul 1882 in IA. Parents:
Joseph MCREYNOLDS and Rebecca BOREN [BORIN].
Jasmine MCREYNOLDS(63) was born on
12 Apr 1903. Parents: Leo Elber MCREYNOLDS and
Amanda MAUCK.She was married to Lilburn WALTERS
on 20 Dec 1924.(64) Children were:
Amanda Geraldine WALTERS, Cecil Eugene WALTERS
MCREYNOLDS(14) was born on 14 Aug
1778. Parents: Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Martha RICH.He was married to Jane HILLIARD
on 23 Dec 1802 in Washington Co. Va..
Renee MCREYNOLDS(16) was born on 4
Sep 1954. Parents: William Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Dixie Lee CRANMEN.
MCREYNOLDS(14) Parents:
Joseph MCREYNOLDS and Rebecca BOREN [BORIN].
MCREYNOLDS(12) Parents:
Isaac Stevens MCREYNOLDS and Virginia A. DAVIS
MCREYNOLDS was born in 1794. Parents: Joseph MCREYNOLDS
and Henrietta BROWNING.She was married to
Joseph [Shaker Joe] MCREYNOLDS. Children were:
William [Bill Burly] MCREYNOLDS, John Berry MCREYNOLDS
Ann MCREYNOLDS(12) was born on 22
Sep 1958 in Conyers, GA. Parents: Ralph Boyd MCREYNOLDS
and Mary Elizabeth RUSSELL.She was married to
David Irvin GILBERT on 18 Jun 1983 in Lithonia, GA.
Children were: Amber Lorien GILBERT,
Carly Susanne GILBERT.
Mary Bell.
MCREYNOLDS(14) was born on 14 Feb
1777. Parents: Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Martha RICH.
MCREYNOLDS(12) was born in 1849.
Parents: Samuel D Jr. MCREYNOLDS and
Anna Davis STEVENS.
Nelson MCREYNOLDS(219) was born on
29 May 1859 in Franklin, IL. Parents: William Hodges
Lynn MCREYNOLDS(12) was born on 28
May 1956 in San Antonio, Texas. Parents: Ralph Boyd
MCREYNOLDS and Mary Elizabeth RUSSELL.She
was married to David Matthew KNOTT on 5 Sep 1981
in Lithonia, GA.
S. Sr. MCREYNOLDS(12) was born on
17 Feb 1854 in Pikeville, Bledsoe Co. TN. He died on 2 Feb 1926 in Pikeville,
Bledsoe Co. TN. He was buried in Wesley Chapel Cem. Pikeville, Bledsoe, TN..
Parents: Alexander Hale MCREYNOLDS and
Emily C. GREER.
O'Neil MCREYNOLDS(12). Parents:
William Alexander MCREYNOLDS and Winnifred Purl
MCREYNOLDS was born about 1759 in Cecil,MD.
(21) He died in 1796 in Campbell,Va.
(21) Parents: Joseph MCREYNOLDS and
Sarah DIXON.
MCREYNOLDS(216) was born in 1845
in Posey Co., Ind. He died in 1846 in Posey Co., Ind. Parents:
Nelson MCREYNOLDS and Lavina MARVEL.
MCREYNOLDS(14) was born on 18 Jan
1787. Parents: Robert MCREYNOLDS and
Martha RICH.
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