bullet Harvey(14).

bulletHilda (15).

Children were: Sandy BURTON, Patty BURTON, Jeffrey BURTON.

bulletCountess of Lincoln Howyes.

She was married to Robert DE QUINCY on 1st Crusade toi Holy Land. Children were: Margaret DE QUINCY.

bullet Isabel Parents: William "The Lion" King of Scotland and Avenel.

She was married to Baron of Hemlake Robert DE ROOS. Children were: William DE ROOS.

bullet Jean

She was married to James Brittian REED. Children were: Allison REED, Sandra REED, Ellen REED.

bullet Jennette Louise(16) was born on 18 May 1937.

She was married to George Edward MCREYNOLDS on 3 Mar 1956.(17) Children were: Louisa Lynn MCREYNOLDS, Cynthia Dawn MCREYNOLDS , Gregory Edward MCREYNOLDS.

bullet Joan of WOODSTOCK died in 1385. Parents: Edmund of WOODSTOCK and Margaret of Liddell WAKE.

Children were: Thomas HOLLAND Earl of Kent, : Margaret HOLLAND .

bulletJohn Lord of Wake.

He was married. Children were: Margaret of Liddell WAKE.

bullet Joyce (18)

Children were: Cindy JOHNSON.

bulletKaren .

bulletKaren .

Children were: Shelby Marie BRASELTON.

bulletKaren A.(19).

bulletLaurie (2).

She was married to James Allen PARR on 2 May 1991. Children were: Brittany PARR, Sidney PARR, Sierra PARR.

bullet Leann (2)

She was married to Steven Lee MORRICAL on 14 Feb 1995.

bullet Louisa Amalie was born on 10 Feb 1844 in Germany. She died on 22 Nov 1909 in Martin Pfeiffer Farm Gosper Co. Neb.. She was buried in Salem-West Luth. Cem. Frontier County Nebraska.

She was married to Johann Karl Friederich [Wilhelm] WICKENCAMP in 1883.

bullet Louriane

Children were: Osborne Jr BRASELTON, BRASELTON.

bulletLu Ann .

She was married to Arthur Charles RADER in Oct 1958.

bullet Lucia Parents: Ivo TAILBOYS and LUCIA.

She was married to RANULPH Earl of Chester . Children were: Ranulph "DE GERNOR".

bullet Lucy

Children were: Joseph [Shaker Joe] MCREYNOLDS .

bulletLYDIA .

She was married to CHRISTOPHER LUCAS. Children were: SARAH LUCAS.

bullet Mamie was born about 1876 in Iowa.(20)

She was married to Lewis H. MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN.

bullet Margaret

Children were: Robert DE QUINCY.

bulletMargaret (14).

bulletMargaret (21).

bulletMargaret of DENMARK.

She was married to James III STEWART in 1469. Children were: James IV STEWART, John STEWART.

bullet Margaret of Liddell WAKE Parents: John Lord of Wake.

Children were: Joan of WOODSTOCK.

bulletMarie of Gueldres. Parents: Arnold of Guelders.

Children were: Mary STEWART, James III STEWART, Alexander STEWART, John STEWART.

bulletMarjory .

Children were: John PRATYMAN.

bulletMarsha (22).

bulletMartha (23) died in 1822.

She was married to John Sr. COX. Children were: John [Doublehead] COX, Absolom COX, Furneyford COX, Joseph "General Joe" COX , Jemima COX, Johnathon COX , Elizabeth COX.

bullet Mary was born on 8 Aug 1814 in Pa. She died on 11 Apr 1861 in Ogle Co. IL. She was buried in Chapel Hill Cem., Lafayett Township, Olge Co. IL.

She was married to David MAXWELL about 1835.

bullet Mary was born after 1655.

Children were: John PRETTYMAN , Mary PRETTYMAN, William PRETTYMAN, Robert PRETTYMAN, Thomas PRETTYMAN.

bulletMary (24).

Children were: Joseph SMITH.

bulletMary (3)(4) .

Children were: Ann DAUX.

bulletMary (22).

bulletMary "Polly"(24) (25) was born about 1780 in NC. She was born about 1780 in NC. She died after 1880 in Campbell Co. Tennessee. She died after 1880 in Campbell Co. Tennessee.

She was married to William COX about 1797. Children were: William COX, Sarah COX, Armstead COX, Lemuel COX, John COX.

bullet Mary "Polly"(25)

Children were: Sarah COX.

bulletMary Bell.

She was married to James MCREYNOLDS in 1748 in Lancaster Co. PA. Children were: Thomas MCREYNOLDS, Elizabeth MCREYNOLDS, Joseph MCREYNOLDS, James MCREYNOLDS, John MCREYNOLDS, Samuel MCREYNOLDS, Robert MCREYNOLDS, Archibald MCREYNOLDS, Benjamin MCREYNOLDS, Oliver MCREYNOLDS.

bullet Mary Iva(5) was born on 28 Dec 1908. She died on 19 Nov 1986 in Weiner, AR.

Children were: Alfred Lee (Pete) COX, Ray COX, Jerry COX, Thelma COX, Ida Mae COX, Ileta COX.

bulletMary Kathryn(26) (5) was born on 2 Dec 1949. They have 4 grandchildren and have resided in Weiner for 25years

She was married to Walter NORRIS on 8 Dec 1967.(26) Children were: Lucinda Ruth "Cindy" NORRIS, Kathryn Marie NORRIS.

bullet Mary M.(27)

bulletMary of GUISE.

Children were: Mary STEWART.

bulletMatilda of Scotland. Parents: HENRY I KING OF ENGLAND and MATILDA OF SCOTLAND.

She was married to Count of Anjou Geoffrey "The Fair" PLANTAGENT. Children were: Henry II King of England PLANTAGENT.

bullet Melissa (8) was born about 1825.

Children were: Jeremiah COX, Mandy J. COX , Sam COX, Nancy E COX , David S. COX, Enos COX , Zelma M. COX.

bulletMICHAL .

She was married to THOMAS SPICER. Children were: ANN SPICER.

bullet Mike Parents: Billie Alice CRAIG.

bullet Mike (28)(29)

bulletMillie .

bulletMolly (8) was born about 1821.

Children were: Louis COX, Willliam COX , Robert COX, Mary C. COX .

bulletMyrtle (5).

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