Children were: Sandy BURTON, Patty BURTON, Jeffrey BURTON.
She was married to Robert DE QUINCY on 1st Crusade toi Holy Land. Children were: Margaret DE QUINCY.
She was married to Baron of Hemlake Robert DE ROOS. Children were: William DE ROOS.
She was married to James Brittian REED. Children were: Allison REED, Sandra REED, Ellen REED.
She was married to George Edward MCREYNOLDS on 3 Mar 1956.(17) Children were: Louisa Lynn MCREYNOLDS, Cynthia Dawn MCREYNOLDS , Gregory Edward MCREYNOLDS.
Children were: Thomas HOLLAND Earl of Kent, : Margaret HOLLAND .
He was married. Children were: Margaret of Liddell WAKE.
Children were: Cindy JOHNSON.
Children were: Shelby Marie BRASELTON.
She was married to James Allen PARR on 2 May 1991. Children were: Brittany PARR, Sidney PARR, Sierra PARR.
She was married to Steven Lee MORRICAL on 14 Feb 1995.
She was married to Johann Karl Friederich [Wilhelm] WICKENCAMP in 1883.
Children were: Osborne Jr BRASELTON, BRASELTON.
She was married to Arthur Charles RADER in Oct 1958.
She was married to RANULPH Earl of Chester . Children were: Ranulph "DE GERNOR".
Children were: Joseph [Shaker Joe] MCREYNOLDS .
She was married to CHRISTOPHER LUCAS. Children were: SARAH LUCAS.
She was married to Lewis H. MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN.
Children were: Robert DE QUINCY.
She was married to James III STEWART in 1469. Children were: James IV STEWART, John STEWART.
Children were: Joan of WOODSTOCK.
Children were: Mary STEWART, James III STEWART, Alexander STEWART, John STEWART.
Children were: John PRATYMAN.
She was married to John Sr. COX. Children were: John [Doublehead] COX, Absolom COX, Furneyford COX, Joseph "General Joe" COX , Jemima COX, Johnathon COX , Elizabeth COX.
She was married to David MAXWELL about 1835.
Children were: John PRETTYMAN , Mary PRETTYMAN, William PRETTYMAN, Robert PRETTYMAN, Thomas PRETTYMAN.
Children were: Joseph SMITH.
Children were: Ann DAUX.
She was married to William COX about 1797. Children were: William COX, Sarah COX, Armstead COX, Lemuel COX, John COX.
Children were: Sarah COX.
She was married to James MCREYNOLDS in 1748 in Lancaster Co. PA. Children were: Thomas MCREYNOLDS, Elizabeth MCREYNOLDS, Joseph MCREYNOLDS, James MCREYNOLDS, John MCREYNOLDS, Samuel MCREYNOLDS, Robert MCREYNOLDS, Archibald MCREYNOLDS, Benjamin MCREYNOLDS, Oliver MCREYNOLDS.
Children were: Alfred Lee (Pete) COX, Ray COX, Jerry COX, Thelma COX, Ida Mae COX, Ileta COX.
She was married to Walter NORRIS on 8 Dec 1967.(26) Children were: Lucinda Ruth "Cindy" NORRIS, Kathryn Marie NORRIS.
Children were: Mary STEWART.
She was married to Count of Anjou Geoffrey "The Fair" PLANTAGENT. Children were: Henry II King of England PLANTAGENT.
Children were: Jeremiah COX, Mandy J. COX , Sam COX, Nancy E COX , David S. COX, Enos COX , Zelma M. COX.
She was married to THOMAS SPICER. Children were: ANN SPICER.
Children were: Louis COX, Willliam COX , Robert COX, Mary C. COX .