COX was born on 6 Sep 1947. Parents: Robert
Dale COX and Evelyn.
Linda Lou COX(36) was
born on 9 Dec 1944. Parents: Raymond
Hershel COX and Alnora APPMAN.
She was married to James Edward STONE on 19 Apr 1964.
Lizina COX(13) was
born in 1879.
She was married to Kelly CAUSEY on 5 Feb 1919 in Indiana. Children were: Margaret CAUSEY.
Lois COX(5) was born on
12 Jul 1943 in Searcy, AR. Parents: Viola
SARGEANT. Parents: Lucien Alfred
(Swad) COX and Viola SARGEANT .
Lola COX(5) Parents: James Robert COX and Judy SALMON.
Lolita Kay COX(5)
Parents: Delbert COX and Carol BAKER.
Loretta Fay COX(5)
Parents: Delbert COX and Carol BAKER.
Louanna COX(5) Parents:
Cleopatra COX.
Louellen COX(113)
Parents: Johnathon COX and Betsy HAYS.
Louis COX(5) Parents: John William COX.
COX(8) was born about
1846. Parents: Joseph COX and Molly.
Lowell COX(36)
Parents: Charles Edward COX and Lula Mae GWALTNEY.
Lucien Alfred (Swad) COX(26) (5) was born on 1 Feb 1899 in
Bono, AR.. He died in 1969. Lucien (Alfred) Monroe Cox
Feb 1, 1899- Oct. 28, 1969
Uncle Swad
Lucien (Swad) and married to Viola Sargeant (b. Aug, 28, 1905) of
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Uncle Swad was 19 years old when his father
died. He joined the Army during WWI and was sent to France. The
day he arrived, Peace was declared. He stayed in France, then
served the rest of his Army life until he was discharged. Uncle
Bob sent Uncle Swad a picture of the beautiful girls on the
beaches of California. He encouraged Uncle Swad to come out to
California as that is where the future is. Since Uncle Swad was
married and had several children, he decided that the only way to
get to California was to join the Navy. So he did. They sent him
to Great Lakes Naval Station near Chicago, Ill. He stayed in the
service for about 6 months. The Navy, did not send him to
California, nor was it going to send him there. He decided to go
AWOL, and returned to Arkansas. (Grandma Moschenrose was always
threatening him that she would turn him into the government if he
didnt do what she wanted him to do. Back then, there was a
$50.00 reward given to the person that turned in the deserters.)
Uncle Swad and Aunt Viola raised a large family of 7 sons,
Robert, Cecil, Le Roy, Delbert, John, Harold, and Gerald and 4
daughters Beatrice, Marie, Wilma, and Lois. They also had one or
two children that were stillbirths. They lived in Arkansas for
many years and most children were born there. He was gone a lot,
(dodging the Navy?) working in different cities and states,
trying to find the better job to raise his family with. He
finally settled down in Illinois, near Lincoln, in 1950, and the
family soon followed. He died on October 28, 1969 in Beebe
Arkansas and was buried in Antioch Cemetery in Beebe. Viola died
on November 14, 1991 in Lincoln Illinois, and is buried next to
her husband.
Parents: Henry COX and Lue Cindie JOYNER.
Children were: James Robert COX, Cecil COX, Lee Roy COX, Beatrice Jean COX, Delbert COX, Carma Marie COX, John D. COX, Harold Monroe COX, Wilma Lue COX, Lois COX, Gerald Wayne COX, Baby Girl COX.
She was married to George Washington WALLACE on 29 Aug 1833. Children were: James Thomas WALLACE , Betsy Ann WALLACE, Franklin WALLACE, Virgil T. WALLACE, Matilda Jane WALLACE, Mary Amanda WALLACE, Josephine T. WALLACE.
Lucy COX(5) was born on
5 Sep 1903. She died on 1 Aug 1979. Lucy Cox Trammel Norris
September 5, 1903 - August 1, 1979
Aunt Lucy
Lucy was born Sept 5, 1903. Lucy married Jim Trammel and had one
daughter Martha. Mr. Trammel was born in 1900 and died in 1924. A
few years later, Lucy married Taylor Earnest Sneed Norris on June
5, 1924. Ernest was born December 6, 1901 in Scotsboro, Alabama.
He earned their living farming and/ or share cropping. They moved
from farm to farm in the Weiner and Greenfield areas, south of
Jonesboro, Arkansas. This was hard work and the children also
worked in the fields. Some years, the house they lived in was
near the rice fields. Working in rice fields was very hard.
Ernest and Lucy started their family of 10 children right away.
All of the children were born in Arkansas, except Marvin which
was born in Missouri. Lucy was a great cook and her specialty was
chicken and dumplings with big hot rolls. However, her daily
cooking was a large pot of soup beans, fried potatoes,, and maybe
some cornbread. She loved her children very much, and enjoyed her
30+ grandchildren. She was Baptist and Sneed was Pentecostal. She
made sure the children attended whichever church they lived
closest to. They were married for 54 years before Lucy died
August 1, 1979. Sneed died January 3, 1984. Lucy and Ernest, as
well as her first husband, Jim Trammell are buried in Walker
Cemetery, approximately 8 miles west of Weiner.
Parents: Henry COX and Lue Cindie JOYNER.
She was married to Jim TRAMMIL in 1921.(26) Children were: Martha TRAMMIL.
She was married to Ernest NORRIS in Jun 1924.(26) Children were: Ernest (Buddy) NORRIS, Virginia Mae "Ginna Mae" NORRIS, Dorothy Nadeen "Dot" NORRIS , John Henry NORRIS, Marvin NORRIS, Ralph Eugene NORRIS, Bobby Kenneth NORRIS, Walter NORRIS, Lacona NORRIS, Billy Joe NORRIS.
Lucy COX(113) (113) Parents: Johnathon COX and Betsy HAYS.
Lulu Dean COX(36) was
born on 27 Jun 1938. Parents: Calvin
Adolph COX and Macel E HUST.
She was married to Royce Cletus FELTY julne 14 1958.
She was married to Dennis HOGAN on 14 Feb 1975.
Lumus Henry COX(5) was
born on 19 Nov 1906. He died on 1 Sep 1963 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lumus Henry (John) Cox
Nov 19, 1906 - Sept 1, 1963
Uncle John
(Lumus) John was born on Nov. 19, 1906. He met, fell in love and
married Iva Brown. Iva was born on December 28, 1908 to John
Brown and Jesse Tuttle. They had 6 children all of them born in
Weiner, Arkansas. They had 3 sons and Alfred Lee (Pete), Ray, and
Jerry and 3 daughters Thelma, Ida Mae, and Ileta..
He worked for the railroad in Arkansas. He left his wife and
family in Arkansas in 1943 and moved to Pine Bluff, AR and worked
for Cotton Belt R. R. Iva moved the family to Pine Bluff, and
found he had a girlfriend, so she moved the family back to
Weiner. After that, he lost touch with his family for several
years. They met again at the reunion in Murphysboro at Grandma
Moschenroses house. He was either living in or moved to
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked in a piano factory. While in
Cincinnati, he lived in an apartment in the city close to the
factory. Occasionally sent his family money . After being there
several years, he met and fell in love with a co-worker Carrie
Mae. They shared an apartment which was over an ice cream shop.
Carrie Mae had two daughters (Loretta & ?). Eventually they
married and had a son John Allen.
When Uncle John died, Iva and children were notified. There was a
big mess when Carrie Mae and Iva found out they were both his
wife. He died September 1, 1963. He was buried Walker Cemetery in
Weiner, at his request. Iva died November 19, 1986. Aunt Iva died
on Nov. 19, 1986 and is buried close to her husband,
Parents: Henry COX and Lue Cindie JOYNER.
Children were: Alfred Lee (Pete) COX, Ray COX, Jerry COX , Thelma COX, Ida Mae COX , Ileta COX.
Children were: John Allen COX.
COX(5) was born on 5
Sep 1903 in Arkansas. She died on 19 Jul 1926. Luna Cox Wheaton
Sept 5, 1903 - July 19,. 1926
Aunt Luny
Luna was born September 5, 1903, she married Mr. Leo Wheaton in
1920 or 1921 and had two children. Charles and Mildred. She lived
in the country. Aunt Luna, like all women at that time, did the
laundry outside in a large kettle which she filled by bucket and
heated over an open fire. After Mildred was born, while doing the
laundry, she had a post partum hemorrhage. When her husband came
in from the fields, he found her lying in the yard, in a pool of
blood. She was already dead. She died on July 19, 1926 and is
buried in Walker Cemetery outside of Weiner, Arkansas. Leo
remarried ( ) and they had 2 more children : LeRoy and Laura
(Talley). She had 3 children from a previous marriage Ed Smith,
Edna (Wheaton) and Flora (Ellard).
Charles was born on April 15, 1922. He married Audie (unknown).
They had 1 child Lou . She had a child by a previous marriage
Gary Forrester. Charles died on March 14, 1998 and was layed out
in the Rollers Farmers Union Funeral Home in Weiner.
Mildred was born in July, 1926. She married ( ) Best. They had
Parents: Henry COX and Lue Cindie JOYNER.
She was married to WHEATON in 1920.(26) Children were: Charles WHEATON, Mildred WHEATON.
Lura May COX(5)
Parents: Harrison COX and Louisi PUCKETT.
Lurania COX(8) Parents:
Joseph "General Joe" COX
and Elizabeth HUNSIGER.
Luther [Robert] COX(26) (5) was born on 11 Mar 1897.
He died in Apr 1972. Luther Robert Cox
March 11, 1897- April 1972
Uncle Bob
Luther changed his name when he entered the service to Robert
Luther Cox. He stayed in California after W.W.I. and became a
policeman in Alhambra. He moved up the ranks, from patrolman, to
Sargent then into the detectives, and was made Captain before his
retirement. After retirement, he worked part time as a guard at
General Electric, then at Universal Studio in Hollywood. Uncle
Bob married twice. The first wife (Emma) had a child by her first
husband. They were married for a short time (one or two years).
She didnt remarry again. Emma worked in Medical Records in
Alhambra Community Hospital until her retirement. His second
wifes name was Sibyl. She was born on Sept. 9, 1911. She
had one brother. They had no children. Aunt Sibyl worked at the
Los Angeles Water Department, downtown LA. They were married
around 1946 until his death in 1972. They had planned to retire
to a Villa in Mexico and live out their lives with servants
surrounding them. Uncle Bob had a bad stroke in late 1971- or
early 1972 and died a few months later in a nursing home in San
Gabriel, California. He was almost 75 years old. Aunt Sibyl was
still too young (age 61) to retire when Uncle Bob died. They were
never able to live in their Villa in Mexico as they had dreamed.
It is not known how Aunt Sibyl died, but it was in June of 1980.
Parents: Henry COX and Lue Cindie JOYNER.
He was married to Sybol about 1946.
Lynn COX(5) was born on
22 Nov 1941. He died on 21 Dec 1941. Parents: Walter Leroy COX and Mary Alene HOUZLOW.
Madaline COX(41) was
born on 3 Nov 1914 in Posey Co., Ind. Parents: Alfred COX and Mabel
She was married to Thomas Albert HUST on 12 Nov 1934. Children were: Charlotte Mae HUST, Thomas Alfred HUST, Eva Louise HUST, Alvin Ray HUST.
Mandy J. COX(8) was
born about 1852. Parents: Isaac COX
and Melissa .
Marc A. COX was born on 17 Feb 1995. Parents: Martin Allen COX and Cynthia L. KNIGHT.
Margaret COX(137)
Parents: Absolom COX and Martha [Patsey] GARRIS.
Marion Absolom COX was born on 26 Feb 1899. He was born on 26
Feb 1899. He died in 1943. He died in 1943. Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX and Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS.
Francis [Marty] COX was born on 16 Jun 1930 in Edwards
County, Illinois. Uncle Marty used to tease me when I was small.
He was in the service and became a minister. He is now one of my
computer buddies. I love him very much and want to thank him for
all the help he has given me with our genealogy. [photo]
Parents: John Larkin COX and Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.
He was married to Marie Carolyn ISOM on 29 Jan 1955. Children were: Johnny James COX, Catherine Louise COX, Dwight David COX, Cheryl Ann COX.
Martha COX(27) was
born in 1838. She died in 1908. Parents: John
T. COX and Sally [Sarah] HARRIS.
She was married to W. A. KINCHELOE on 2 Feb 1862 in Indiana. Children were: U. S. KINCHELOE, Ora KINCHELOE.
Martha Jane COX(41)
was born on 6 Oct 1930. Parents: Everitt
Earl COX and Edna Laura KINCHLOE.
She was married to GILES .
She was married to Ralph GOLDMAN.
Martin Allen COX was born on 5 Oct 1951. He resided 109 Alan
Drive, McLeansboro, IL. 62859 on 16 Sep 1999. Parents: William Howard COX and Wanda Jean COMPTON.
He was married to Cynthia L. KNIGHT on 14 Jul 1989. Children were: Casey J. RHINE, Elizabeth A. COX, Marc A. COX.
Mary COX was born on 13 Oct 1886. Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX and Nancy C COX.
She was married to Louis BRANDENSTEIN on 6 Apr 1905.
Mary COX(5) Parents: James Robert COX and Judy SALMON.
Mary COX(138) was
born in 1839. Parents: John T. COX and
Sally [Sarah] HARRIS.
Mary COX(31) was born
about 1839. Parents: Noah COX and Polly.
Mary COX(76) Parents: Silas M COX.
Mary Agnes COX(66) was
born on 29 Oct 1902. She died in 1950. Parents: Calvary COX and Mary
Children were: Donald A HANES , Beverly HANES.
Ann COX(24) was born
about 1841 in Tennessee. Parents: Armstead
COX and Mary SMITH.
Mary C. COX(8) was born
about 1860. Parents: Joseph COX and Molly.
Mary Elizabeth COX was born on 31 Aug 1862 in Boone County,
Indiana. She died on 27 Dec 1890 in Alex.County, Illinois. She
was buried in Tap White Cemetary Alex. Co. Ill. She was ill with
heart disease. Parents: Joseph S. [Smith]
COX and Mary Elizabeth WITT .
She was married to Joseph Reuben MCRAVEN 6 April 1879 by J.Levi Gifford. Children were: Vernetta May MCRAVEN , Arthur Leroy [Weaver] MCRAVEN, Leona Rosetta MCRAVEN, Emma Elizabeth MCRAVEN , Jesse Thomas MCRAVEN.
She was married to Andrew Jackson OLLER on 28 Jul 1889. Children were: David Minnous OLLER.
Mary Francis COX(66)
was born on 18 Jun 1922. She died in 1976. Parents: Millard Sheardon COX and Anna Mae HIDELBRADER.
She was married to William PINKSTON in 1940. Children were: Robert E. PINKSTON.
Mary Jane COX(41) was
born on 20 Sep 1932. Parents: Everitt
Earl COX and Edna Laura KINCHLOE.
Louise COX(36) was
born on 11 Dec 1928 in Oliver, IN. Parents: Calvin Adolph COX and Macel E HUST.
She was married to Melvin George LOPP on 25 Jun 1946.
She was married to Elmer Violas CHANDLER on 19 Jul 1957.
Matthew Thomas COX was born on 21 Jan 1973 in Pa. Parents: Robert Eugene Jr COX and Shirley Joanne PENTZ.
McKenzie Logan COX was born on 11 Apr 1996. Parents: Dwight David COX and Nicole Leigh WARD.
Merle COX(41) was born
on 22 Feb 1920. Parents: Alfred COX
and Mabel [May] BARTON.
Alan COX(66) was born
on 25 Jun 1957 in Fort Knox, KY. Parents: Millard
G. COX and Mary Kathryn HILAKOS.
He was married to Deborah Lynn CHESSER on 10 Apr 1982 in Louisville KY. Children were: Joshua Michael COX, Ryan Jesse COX, Arianna Wynne COX.
Micheal Ryan COX was born on 3 Jul 1990 in Jasper, Indiana.
Parents: Ronald Dee COX and Bonnie Elizabeth COCHRANE.
Michel Lee COX was born on 2 May 1984 in Hamilton, Ohio.
Parents: Chris Lee COX and Vicki Lynn GILL.