bullet FRODE OF LETHRA died in 548. He ruling Ruler over the Temple of Lethra. Parents: HALFDAN OF LETHRA.

Children were: HAERIC OF LETHRA.

bulletCount of Anjou Reigning in 987 FULK "THE BLACK". Parents: Goeffrey D'ANJOU of Vermandois and ADELLIZE 'ADELE' .

He was married to HILDEGARDE OF LORRAINE. Children were: Emengarde FULK.

bullet FULK LE RECHIN "CROSS LOOKING" Count of Anjou Parents: Count of Galinais GOEFFREY and Emengarde FULK .

He was married to BERTRADE OF MONTFORT. Children were: Count of Anjou FULK V "THE YOUNG" .

bullet Count of Anjou FULK V "THE YOUNG" Parents: FULK LE RECHIN "CROSS LOOKING" Count of Anjou and BERTRADE OF MONTFORT.

Children were: Count of Anjou Geoffrey "The Fair" PLANTAGENT.

bulletEmengarde FULK. Parents: Count of Anjou Reigning in 987 FULK "THE BLACK" and HILDEGARDE OF LORRAINE .

She was married to Count of Galinais GOEFFREY . Children were: FULK LE RECHIN "CROSS LOOKING" Count of Anjou.

bullet Curtis FULLER

Children were: Curtis Allen FULLER.

bulletCurtis Allen FULLER was born on 5 Mar 1996 in Charleston SC. Parents: Curtis FULLER and Tracy Jo BRASELTON.

bullet Annabelle FULLERTON

Children were: Ralph Vorhees MONTGOMERY .

bulletElizabeth FULTZ was born in Jan 1803. She died on 25 Aug 1847 in Washington Co. IN.

She was married to William BRASELTON on 13 Mar 1834 in Washington Co. IN.

bullet Catherine FURGUSON

She was married to David BRASELTON on 15 Jan 1829.

bullet GADDIS (28)(29) was born in 1886.

Children were: Conway Jr. LAWRENCE.

bulletAndrew GADGEL.

bulletGAIDRY (2).

Children were: Brandy GAIDRY, Amanda GAIDRY.

bulletAmanda GAIDRY(2). Parents: GAIDRY and Brenda Kay BLEDSOE.

Children were: Destiny Marie GAIDRY.

bulletBrandy GAIDRY(2). Parents: GAIDRY and Brenda Kay BLEDSOE.

Children were: Mia Jolene GAIDRY.

bulletDestiny Marie GAIDRY(2). Parents: Amanda GAIDRY.

bulletMia Jolene GAIDRY(2) was born on 20 Sep 1999. Parents: Brandy GAIDRY.

bullet GAILA Parents: Duke of Freuli GISULPH and ROMILDA.

She was married to Duke of Bavaria GARABALD I. Children were: Duke of Bavaria TASILO II .

bullet GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR I was born about 250. Parents: SEXTUS JULIUS CAESAR.


bulletGAIUS JULIUS CAESAR II was born abt 190 B.C.. Parents: GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR I.

He was married to MARCIA . Children were: Praetor GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR III .

bullet Praetor GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR III died about 85 B.C.. Parents: GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR II and MARCIA.

He was married to AURELIA. Children were: JULIA, [ Our Uncle] GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR IV.

bullet [ Our Uncle] GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR IV was born 100 B.C.. He died 44 B.C. in slain by Brutus. Parents: Praetor GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR III and AURELIA.


He was married to ATTIUS BALBUS . Children were: OCTAVIA "THE ELDER", 1st Emperor of the Roman Empire [Our Uncle] AUGUSTUS CAESAR .


She was married to Emperor of the Roman Empire CONSTANTIUS. Children were: Roman Emperor of the West VALENTENIAN III.


She was married to Roman Emeror of the East 'The Great' THEODOSUS. Children were: Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire ARCADIUS.

bullet Brandon Michael GALLAGHER was born on 23 Nov 1995. Parents: Sean Michael GALLAGHER and Cheryl Ann COX.

bullet Sean Michael GALLAGHER was born on 25 Jan 1968 in Bristol Bucks, Pennsylvania.

He was married to Cheryl Ann COX on 27 Feb 1993. Children were: Brandon Michael GALLAGHER.

bullet Alva GAMBEL(187)

Children were: Edna Mae GAMBEL, Alva Lloyd GAMBEL, Mary Edith GAMBEL.

bulletAlva Lloyd GAMBEL(187). Parents: Alva GAMBEL and Lena WILSON.

bulletEdna Mae GAMBEL(187). Parents: Alva GAMBEL and Lena WILSON.

bulletMary Edith GAMBEL(187). Parents: Alva GAMBEL and Lena WILSON.

bulletSarah GAMBREL [GAMBLE} was born in 1843 in Jefferson, Illinois. She died in 1906 in Posey County, Indiana. She was buried in Mt.Pleasant Cem Cynthiana, Ind.

Children were: Samuel David MCREYNOLDS, Nancy Elizabeth MCREYNOLDS, Luella Francis(Probably A Twin] MCREYNOLDS, Dollie MCREYNOLDS, Cordelia Ann MCREYNOLDS, Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS , Robert Elesha MCREYNOLDS, Leo Elber MCREYNOLDS, Eldora Alena Victoria MCREYNOLDS .

bulletGAODHAL . Parents: NIUL and SCOTA .

Children were: ASRUTH.

bulletDuke of Bavaria GARABALD I died in 640. Parents: Duke of Bavaria TASSILO I.

He was married to GAILA . Children were: Duke of Bavaria TASILO II.

bullet Ann Maud GARD(188) was born on 11 Mar 1881 in Leon, KS.. Parents: James Harrison GARD and Rose Melane LEACH.

She was married to Harold KELLEY on 14 Jun 1905 in Wichita, Ks. Children were: Robert KELLEY.

bullet Casius Jay GARD(188) was born on 5 Sep 1886 in Leon, KS.. Parents: James Harrison GARD and Rose Melane LEACH.

bullet Dora GARD

Children were: Minnie ROSE.

bulletGrace Ann GARD(147) was born on 8 Oct 1860 in Wabash Co., IL.. She died on 11 Jun 1888 in Leon, KS.. Parents: Henry GARD and Sarah Elizabeth KROH.

She was married to Luther Levi KISER on 18 May 1881 in Leon, KS. Children were: Louis Cassius KISER, Clara Elizabeth KISER.

bullet Henry GARD was born in 1831 in Wabash Co., IL.. He died in 1864.

He was married to Sarah Elizabeth KROH on 10 Dec 1857. Children were: James Harrison GARD, Grace Ann GARD, Henry Allen GARD.

bullet Henry Allen GARD(189) was born on 5 Aug 1862 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. He died on 11 Jan 1868 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Henry GARD and Sarah Elizabeth KROH.

bullet James Harrison GARD(188) was born on 10 Oct 1858 in Wabash Co., IL.. Parents: Henry GARD and Sarah Elizabeth KROH.

He was married to Rose Melane LEACH on 16 Jan 1879 in Leon, KS. Children were: Ann Maud GARD, Casius Jay GARD.

bullet Ann Joan GARIN was born on 3 Jun 1916 in Seattle, Washington. She died 28 June1978 in Whidbey Island, Langley, Wash. Parents: Patrick Henry GARIN and Anna Adelia POST.

She was married to Rex Owen WICKENCAMP on 14 Feb 1941 in Kirkland Washinton. Children were: Kit Henry WICKENCAMP, Kay Ann WICKENCAMP.

bullet Patrick Henry GARIN

Children were: Ann Joan GARIN.

bulletCarol Sue GARRETT was born on 9 Dec 1936.

She was married to Thomas Junior MCRAVEN on 23 Feb 1952. Children were: Donna Sue MCRAVEN, Sharon Kay MCRAVEN, Vicki Jean MCRAVEN.

bullet Coleen GARRETT(93) Parents: Lawrence GARRETT and Lena CROSS.

bullet David Clayton GARRETT(87) was born on 23 Oct 1942. He died in Aug 1944. Parents: Frank John GARRETT and Harriet Eldora GARRETT.

bullet Eldora GARRETT(93) Parents: Lawrence GARRETT and Lena CROSS.

bullet Elizabeth [Beth Ann] GARRETT(87) was born on 27 May 1966. Parents: William Lloyd GARRETT and Dianna SCOTT.

bullet Elva GARRETT(93) Parents: Presley GARRETT and Myrtle CROSS.

bullet Eugene GARRETT(93) Parents: Presley GARRETT and Myrtle CROSS.

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