bullet Sarah Joshua Leland FLAGLER(18) was born on 27 Aug 1847. Parents: John Clark FLAGLER and Elizabeth KROH.

She was married to Clark Thomas BELL on 11 Aug 1881 in Evansville, IN.. Children were: Walter BELL, Ruthet BELL, Clarence Chaley BELL.

bullet Thomas Henricks FLAGLER(18) was born on 17 Jan 1885 in Evansville, IN.. Parents: John Clark FLAGLER and Luella POTTS.

bullet Walter Robert FLAGLER(18) was born on 22 Jan 1887 in Vincennes, IN.. Parents: George William FLAGLER and Nettie BROWN.

bullet Walter Wells FLAGLER(18) was born on 26 Apr 1862 in Evansville, IN.. Parents: John Clark FLAGLER and Elizabeth KROH.

He was married to Maggie Florence RUDOLPH on 18 Nov 1897 in Evansville, IN. Children were: Marie Eula FLAGLER, Elma Elizabeth FLAGLER, Wilbur Eugene FLAGLER.

bullet Wilbur Eugene FLAGLER(18) was born on 29 Mar 1905 in Evansville, IN. Parents: Walter Wells FLAGLER and Maggie Florence RUDOLPH.

bullet Leila Fern FLANAGAN

She was married to William Howard COX on 12 Aug 1952.

bullet Sarah D. FLANAGAN was born on 16 Oct 1869. She died on 15 Jul 1888 in Springfield, Mo..

She was married to Franklin Reiff SCHAEFFER . Children were: John D. SCHAEFFER.

bullet Anna FLEMING was born in KY.

bulletFrances FLEMING(14).

She was married to Robert MCREYNOLDS on 17 Oct in Washington Co. Va..

bullet Lucille FLEMING(14)

She was married to James MCREYNOLDS in 1790 in Caswell Co. NC.

bullet Victor FLETCHER(28) (29) was born in 1913.

bulletFLORA .

She was married to King of the Vandals GONDEGUSHIS . Children were: King of Spain 'The Rod of God' GENSERICH .

bullet Charles Howard FOGLE(32)

He was married to Beulah Marie REISINGER on 18 Apr 1931. Children were: Davona [Dewona] Charlene FOGLE, Carol Valgene [FOGLE] POTTS.

bullet Davona [Dewona] Charlene FOGLE(32) was born on 12 Mar 1937 in Mt. Pleasant, MI. Parents: Charles Howard FOGLE and Beulah Marie REISINGER.

She was married to Herman Otho MOORE on 28 Oct 1956 in Bridgeport, IL. Children were: Pamela Diane MOORE , Lisa Renee MOORE.

bullet Dr. Clarence Alford FORCE(61) was born on 2 Apr 1858 in Hardensburg, IN.. He died in 1908 in Attica, OH.

He was married to Emma Elizabeth TENDICK on 15 Sep 1885 in Attica, OH.. Children were: Mary Helen FORCE, Rockwell Clarence FORCE.

bullet Mary Helen FORCE(61) was born on 25 Mar 1887 in Attica, OH.. Parents: Dr. Clarence Alford FORCE and Emma Elizabeth TENDICK.

bullet Rockwell Clarence FORCE(61) was born on 7 Jun 1896 in Attica, OH.. Parents: Dr. Clarence Alford FORCE and Emma Elizabeth TENDICK.

bullet Nancy J FORD

She was married to Benjamin WALLACE on 19 Jun 1823. Children were: Sabra Ann WALLACE , Mary E. WALLACE, Herbert WALLACE, Samuel T. WALLACE, Joshua B. WALLACE, Minerva J. WALLACE, Judith B. WALLACE, John F. WALLACE, Cintha C. WALLACE.

bullet Catherine FORKAS(28) (29) was born in 1867.



She was married to King of Lombardy AUDION. Children were: DAUGHTER OF AUDION.

bullet Dora FOSS

bulletJohn FOSS.

bulletAmesad FOSTER.

He was married to Jane F BRASELTON on 3 May 1821.

bullet Avalon FOSTER(5) Parents: Homer FOSTER and Lillie R. COX.

bulletEmma FOSTER(5). Parents: Homer FOSTER and Lillie R. COX.

She was married to Mark THOMPSON. Children were: THOMPSON, THOMPSON.

bullet Homer FOSTER(26) (5) was born on 22 Feb 1898 in Murphysboro, Ill. He died on 20 Sep 1975. He came to AR with his parients in a covered wagon at age 8
Stories Remembered by the grandchildren about their parents

Homer Foster
by Avlon Foster

About my dad: He was a pretty smart man, even thought as a kid, I didn’t think so. But he was always teaching me. We would be working together and he would be teaching me, but I didn’t realize that I was being taught. He and mom both knew how to eke out a living, when there was hardly any money. They would grow their stuff and put it away for the winter. Of course we had hogs. We put them up and killed them in the winter, and have our meat. Also Dad was a good butcher, so other people would come around and get Dad to help with their butchering. And Dad did a lot of other things. We were sharecroppers mostly, and when the crops were laid by, why we’d go out and cut timber. He could make railroad ties with a broad ax. I would go to summer school. We had summer school down there so we could be off for the fall harvest. They needed the kids for the fall harvest. When I’d come home from school in the summer time, Dad and I’d go into the woods and cut timber for the next day. He would make those ties out of that wood. He always got a good price for those ties. They were really good ties, and he’d sell them to the railroad. I really enjoyed working with my Dad like this. It was a very relaxing thing. Dad also had a sorghum mill. In the fall of the year he’d cut the cane and we’d take it in an we’d make molasses out of the sugar cane. People from all around would bring their cane also and he’d make molasses for them and he’d keep part of the molasses for the pay. In the winter, we stored these molasses upstairs. We’d use what we wanted, and people would come through out the winter and buy the molasses. He put the molasses up in gallon buckets and he sold it for 50 cents per bucket. Boy I’ll tell you if you put fresh butter, and those molasses on top hot biscuits, umum it was really good in the winter time, or any time for that matter.

I think all of us children would agree we had a really good childhood. There wasn’t much money to spend, but mom and dad really worked hard. There wasn’t much of an opportunity to get ahead, back then, but we always had a lot of love for each other. We were always a very close knit family. We’re still that way with my brothers and sisters. And also with my children. So I think I can be real thankful for the life I’ve had. It’s been a good life.

He was married to Lillie R. COX on 1 Nov 1924 in Pitts, AR.(26) Children were: Emma FOSTER, Avalon FOSTER, Junior Laverne FOSTER, Maggy Lou FOSTER.

bullet Junior Laverne FOSTER(5) was born on 13 Aug 1933. Parents: Homer FOSTER and Lillie R. COX.

He was married to Unice DEAL in May 1953. Children were: Tommy Allen FOSTER .

bullet Maggy Lou FOSTER(5) was born between 10 Dec 1942 and Jan . Parents: Homer FOSTER and Lillie R. COX.

She was married to Frank MAURER in 1957. Children were: Emma Jeanette MAURER, Judith Ann MAURER, Janice Lynn MAURER.

bullet Tommy Allen FOSTER(5) Parents: Junior Laverne FOSTER and Unice DEAL.

bullet Elizabeth FOX(6)

Children were: Bernice DUNN, Leanetta DUNN, Elmo DUNN, Phyllis DUNN, Dewey DUNN, Elouise DUNN, Jerald DUNN.

bulletFRANCIS, II.

He was married to Mary STEWART on 24 Apr 1558 in Paris, France.

bullet Bonnie A. FRANKLIN was born on 6 Aug 1944 in Calgray, Alberta, Canada. She was Presbyterian.

She was married to Kit Henry WICKENCAMP on 27 Oct 1962 in Renton, Washington. She was divorced from Kit Henry WICKENCAMP on 28 Sep 1968. Children were: Rex Orrie WICKENCAMP , Xon Owen WICKENCAMP.

bullet Martha Victoria FRANKLIN was born on 23 Jul 1852 in knox co, Tennessee. She died on 13 Dec 1925 in Assumption, Illinois.

She was married to John William MONTGOMERY in 1870 in Logan Co., Illinois. Children were: Samuel Franklin MONTGOMERY, Julia E. MONTGOMERY , Robert Mansan MONTGOMERY, John Wesley MONTGOMERY, Martha Victoria MONTGOMERY , Harry Melvin MONTGOMERY, Nora Alice MONTGOMERY.

bullet Mary FRAZIER was born about 1810 in Tennesse.

bulletJudge Thomas FRAZIER(12).

bulletMichael FREDMAN(6). Parents: Robert FREDMAN and Bernice DUNN.

bulletRobert FREDMAN(6).

Children were: Michael FREDMAN.

bulletDale FREED(61) was born on 17 Dec 1897 in Pittsford, MI. He died on 20 Dec 1897 in Pittsford, MI.. Parents: William FREED and Mina KROH.

bullet Ursa FREED(61) was born on 21 Jun 1890 in North Adams, MI.. Parents: William FREED and Mina KROH.

bullet William FREED(61) was born in Williams Co., OH.

He was married to Mina KROH on 1 Nov 1888 in North Adams, MI.. Children were: Ursa FREED, Dale FREED.

bullet Lucy Allen FREEMAN(61) was born on 21 Mar 1859 in Toledo, OH.

She was married to James Walter KROH on 18 Mar 1897 in Toledo, OH.

bullet Fanny FRENCH

She was married to Herdis F CLEMENTS . Children were: Frederick CLEMENTS, French CLEMENTS, Elizabeth CLEMENTS, Mary CLEMENTS.

bullet Fay FRENCH(15)

She was married to Jimmy Arville BURTON.(83)

bullet John FRERE

Children were: Margaret FRERE.

bulletMargaret FRERE died about 5 May 1569. Parents: John FRERE .

Children were: Thomas PRETTYMAN.

bulletGrace Belle FRIEDLY(61) was born on 15 Aug 1882 in Attica, OH.. Parents: John Link FRIEDLY and Mary Jane TENDICK.

bullet John Link FRIEDLY(61) was born on 19 Jan 1855 in Attica, OH.. He died on 10 Oct 1893 in Attica, OH.

He was married to Mary Jane TENDICK on 1 Nov 1881 in Belleveue, OH.. Children were: Grace Belle FRIEDLY.

bullet Echo FRIEND Parents: John FRIEND and Mindy KUEHLING.

bullet John FRIEND

Children were: Echo FRIEND.

bulletAlice FRITZ.

She was married to Elias ZARR. Children were: Leona Mae ZARR.

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