bullet Jenniefer Jean MARKEL was born on 1 Oct 1974. She was adopted. She was also known as Jenniefer Jean Read. Parents: Glen MARKEL and Brenda Kay MCRAVEN.

bullet Maxine MARLIN(6) was born on 3 Jun 1918 in Tulsa, OK. She died on 12 Aug 1993 in San Diego, CA.

Children were: Marlane DUNN, Dorinda DUNN.

bulletPatrica E. MARLOW(2).

She was married to Arthur Verdane DEISHER on 28 Mar 1964. Children were: William Chester DEISHER, Teresa K. DEISHER, Christopher Wayne DEISHER , Aaron Verdane DEISHER, Norman Andrew DEISHER.

bullet Isabel MARSHALL Parents: Earl of Pembroke William MARSHALL and Isabel DE CLARE.

She was married to Gilbert DE CLARE. Children were: Richard DE CLARE .

bullet Maud MARSHALL

She was married to Hugh BIGOD. Children were: Knight and Earl Sir Ralph BIGOD of Norfolk and Suffolk.

bullet Susannah MARSHALL

She was married to Robert Andrew MCCLAIN in 1765. Children were: Joseph MCCLAIN, Sarah MCCLAIN, Andrew Francis MCCLAIN, John Richard MCCLAIN, Mary MCCLAIN, William MCCLAIN, Stephen MCCLAIN.

bullet Earl of Pembroke William MARSHALL

He was married to Isabel DE CLARE. Children were: Isabel MARSHALL .

bullet King of France Charles 'The Hammer' MARTEL Defeated 732 [halted the spread of Mohammed in in Europe by defeating The Saracen army invaders from Spain at Battle of Tours. Parents: PEPIN II Mayor of Palace of France and ALPADE.

He was married to SUNNICHILDA. Children were: King of France The Short PEPIN LE BREF.

bullet Alfred Jr MARTIN

He was married to Cora Alice DERR on 27 May 1893 in Wabash Co., IL.

bullet Jacob Alan MARTIN was born on 2 Mar 1996 in Mullins SC. Parents: Richie MARTIN and Elizabeth Ann BRASELTON.

bullet Kenneth MARTIN(37) was born on 10 Dec 1900 in Colorado Springs, CO.. Parents: William B. MARTIN and Ellen BRUCE.

bullet Lillie C. MARTIN(28) (29) was born in 1845. She died in 1867.

bulletNorma MARTIN(37) was born on 10 Oct 1905. Parents: William B. MARTIN and Ellen BRUCE.

bullet Richie MARTIN

Children were: Sarah Elizabeth MARTIN , Jacob Alan MARTIN.

bulletSarah Elizabeth MARTIN was born on 4 Nov 1993 in Mullins SC. Parents: Richie MARTIN and Elizabeth Ann BRASELTON.

bullet William B. MARTIN(37) was born on 3 Oct 1863.

He was married to Ellen BRUCE on 15 Jun 1896 in Denver, CO. Children were: Kenneth MARTIN, Norma MARTIN.

bullet Braxton MARVEL was born about 1848. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet Comfort MARVEL was born on 4 Apr 1799 in Greene, Ga.. She died on 21 Oct 1865 in Barnett Twp, Dewitt, Illinois. She was buried in Waynesville, Dewitt, Illinois, Union Cemetery. She has Ancestral File number 3K82-6D. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

bullet David MARVEL was born about 1737 in Sussex Co., De. He has Ancestral File number C8SC-5R..

Children were: Prettyman MARVEL.

bulletDavid MARVEL was born about 1842 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet David MARVEL

Children were: Prettyman MARVEL.

bulletEliza MARVEL was born about 1844 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet Elizabeth MARVEL was born in 1809 in Livingston, KY. She died 1 Sep 1849 ,Jefferson,Ia in Jefferson, IA. She has Ancestral File number 3K82-C8. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

She was married to Edmund MCREYNOLDS on 3 Mar 1836 in Gibson co. Princeton, Indiana.

bullet Elizabeth MARVEL was born about 1847 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet George M MARVEL was born about 1845. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet George R. MARVEL was born on 8 Mar 1815 in Gibson, In.. He died on 16 Feb 1887 in Franklin Co., Il.. He was buried in Liberty Meth Cmy, Franklin Co., Il.. He has Ancestral File number 3K82-DF. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

bullet James MARVEL was born on 10 Dec 1803 in Greene, Ga.. He died on 8 Jan 1885. He has Ancestral File number 3K82-8Q.. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

Children were: Wiley MARVEL, Prettyman MARVEL, Matilda MARVEL, William MARVEL, Noma MARVEL, David MARVEL, Eliza MARVEL, Elizabeth MARVEL, Samuel MARVEL.

bulletJames K. MARVEL was born about 1827. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet John MARVEL was born on 8 Apr 1794 in Sussex, De. He died on 18 Nov 1876. He has Ancestral File number 3K82-57.. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

bullet John M. MARVEL was born about 1841. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet Joseph MARVEL was born about 1839. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet Lavina MARVEL(216) was born on 4 Apr 1824. She died on 8 Jun 1911 in Cynthiana, Posey, IN. She was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cem. Cynthiana, Ind..(217)

She was married to Nelson MCREYNOLDS on 21 Mar 1844 in Gibson co. Princeton, Indiana.(218) Children were: William MCREYNOLDS, Nancy E. MCREYNOLDS, Robert Wesley MCREYNOLDS , Mary Lovina MCREYNOLDS, Matilda MCREYNOLDS, James Nelson MCREYNOLDS, Lucinda MCREYNOLDS, John S. MCREYNOLDS.

bullet Mary MARVEL was born about 1829. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet Matilda MARVEL was born about 1835 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet Nancy MARVEL was born in 1807/8 in Greene, Ga. She has Ancestral File number 3K82-B3. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

bulletNancy MARVEL(219) was born on 16 May 1819 in Gibson co. Princeton, Indiana. She died on 5 Oct 1878 in Thompsonville, Franklin, IL.

She was married to William Hodges MCREYNOLDS on 18 Jun 1837 in Gibson co., Indiana.(220) Children were: Mary Ann MCREYNOLDS, John McFadden MCREYNOLDS, James Franklin MCREYNOLDS , Nancy Lavina MCREYNOLDS, Matilda Jane MCREYNOLDS, Lucinda Ellen MCREYNOLDS , Eliza Jane MCREYNOLDS, William Alexander MCREYNOLDS, Lodena Ellen MCREYNOLDS , David Early MCREYNOLDS, Thomas Nelson MCREYNOLDS.

bullet Noma MARVEL was born about 1840 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet Patience MARVEL was born in 1796 in Sussex, Del. She died on 8 Oct 1881 in Antioch, Indiana. She died in Dec 1882 in Antioch, Indiana. She was buried on 4 Dec 1882. She has Ancestral File number 3K81-GM. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

She was married to Robert [Robin] MONTGOMERY on 30 Apr 1812 in Black River Basin, Indiana. Children were: Samuel MONTGOMERY, William MONTGOMERY, Prettyman Marvel MONTGOMERY, John MONTGOMERY , Elizabeth MONTGOMERY, James MONTGOMERY, Lavina MONTGOMERY, Robert MONTGOMERY, Thomas MONTGOMERY, Nancy MONTGOMERY, George MONTGOMERY.

bullet Prettyman MARVEL was born on 29 Jan 1763 in Sussex Co Delewaare. He was born on 29 Jan 1763 in Sussex Co., De. He died between 1856 and 1859. He died on 1 Oct 1856. He was born abt 1760 or 1763 in Deleware. He was buried in Evergreen Cem. Parents: David MARVEL and Sarah PRETTYMAN. Parents: David MARVEL.

He was married to Lavina ROGERS in 1788 in Sussex Co., De. Children were: Patience MARVEL, John MARVEL, Comfort MARVEL, Prettyman MARVEL, James MARVEL, Elizabeth MARVEL, Nancy MARVEL, George R. MARVEL, Wiley MARVEL.

bullet Prettyman MARVEL was born on 8 May 1801 in Greene, Ga. He died on 23 Jul 1843 in Waynesville, Dewitt, Illinois.. He was buried in Waynesville, Dewitt, Illionis, Union Cem.. He has Ancestral File number 3K82-7K. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

bullet Prettyman MARVEL was born about 1826. Parents: Wiley MARVEL and Charity.

bullet Prettyman MARVEL was born about 1832 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet Samuel MARVEL was born abt 1849 or 1850 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet Wiley MARVEL was born on 4 Apr 1806 in Greene, Ga. He died on 27 Jul 1883. He has Ancestral File number 3K82-9W.. Parents: Prettyman MARVEL and Lavina ROGERS.

Children were: James K. MARVEL, Prettyman MARVEL, Mary MARVEL, Joseph MARVEL, John M. MARVEL, George M MARVEL, Braxton MARVEL.

bulletWiley MARVEL was born about 1831 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet William MARVEL was born about 1837 in Indiana. Parents: James MARVEL and Comfort.

bullet MARX (70) was born on 10 Aug 1907 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. She died on 10 Aug 1907 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Adam Jonas MARX and Lena REISINGER.

bullet Adam Jonas MARX(70) was born on 26 Jul 1876 in Wabash Co., IL..

Children were: Ernest MARX , Florence MARX, MARX , Velveteen MARX.

bulletElizabeth Ann [Lizzie]Lizza A. MARX was born on 16 May 1877 in Lancaster Precinct, Lancaster, Walbash Co. Illinois. She died in Nov 1904 in complications from childbirth. She was also known as Anna Margaret Elizabeth Marx. Parents: Georg Friedrick MARX and Wilhelmina SHOUN.

She was married to Jonathon Grant DEISHER on 26 Apr 1897 in Albion, Ill. Children were: Earl Fredrich DEISHER , Lawrence Oliver DEISHER, Mary Pearl DEISHER.

bullet Ernest MARX(70) was born on 13 Mar 1902 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Adam Jonas MARX and Lena REISINGER.

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