bullet STONE

bulletJames Edward STONE(36) was born on 29 Jun 1944.

He was married to Linda Lou COX on 19 Apr 1964.

bullet Billie Jean STORCKMAN(38) was born on 28 Jan 1928. Parents: Joy Sr STORCKMAN and Omah DEISHER.

She was married to William GRAEG .(53) Children were: Kenneth Allen GRAEG.

bullet Carolyn Sue STORCKMAN was born on 24 Dec 1943. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

bullet Daniel Eldon STORCKMAN was born on 7 Jul 1946. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

Children were: Jeff STORCKMAN, Jeremy STORCKMAN.

bulletJames Arthur STORCKMAN(38) was born in 1963. Parents: Joy Jr. STORCKMAN and Stella ROYSTON.

bullet Jeff STORCKMAN Parents: Daniel Eldon STORCKMAN and Carol.

Children were: Marissa STORCKMAN, Max STORCKMAN.

bulletJeremy STORCKMAN. Parents: Daniel Eldon STORCKMAN and Carol.

bulletJoy Jr. STORCKMAN(38) was born on 17 Mar 1932 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Joy Sr STORCKMAN and Omah DEISHER.

He was married to Stella ROYSTON in England. (53) Children were: James Arthur STORCKMAN , Kelly Ruth STORCKMAN.

bullet Joy Sr STORCKMAN(38)

Children were: Billie Jean STORCKMAN, Joy Jr. STORCKMAN, Richard STORCKMAN.

bulletKelly Ruth STORCKMAN(38) was born in 1965. Parents: Joy Jr. STORCKMAN and Stella ROYSTON.

bullet Manson Edward STORCKMAN was born on 1 Oct 1916.

He was married to Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN on 8 Aug 1938 in St. Charles County, Missouri. Children were: Mary Ellen STORCKMAN, Carolyn Sue STORCKMAN, Daniel Eldon STORCKMAN , Micki Elizabeth STORCKMAN, Ricky Eldon STORCKMAN, Michael Eugene STORCKMAN .

bullet Marissa STORCKMAN Parents: Jeff STORCKMAN and Susan.

bullet Mary Ellen STORCKMAN was born on 10 Mar 1939. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

Children were: Mindy KUEHLING.

bulletMax STORCKMAN. Parents: Jeff STORCKMAN and Susan.

bulletMichael Eugene STORCKMAN was born on 4 Jan 1958. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

bulletMicki Elizabeth STORCKMAN was born on 7 Feb 1952. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

bulletRichard STORCKMAN(38) was born on 30 Sep 1933 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Joy Sr STORCKMAN and Omah DEISHER.

He was married to June ANGLE.(53) Children were: Richard Lee STORCKMAN.

bullet Richard Lee STORCKMAN(38) was born in 1963. Parents: Richard STORCKMAN and June ANGLE.

bullet Ricky Eldon STORCKMAN was born on 9 Aug 1948. Parents: Manson Edward STORCKMAN and Bonnie Fern MCRAVEN .

bulletPhillip STOREY(22) was born on 6 Dec 1932.

bulletMary Ann STOUCH(18) was born on 26 Mar 1797 in Womansdorf, PA. She died on 19 Oct 1865 in Stockton, CA.

She was married to Rev. Henry KROH in Jan 1819 in Womansdorf, PA. Children were: Elizabeth KROH, Phillip Henry Rev KROH, Mary Matilda KROH, Emma Jane KROH, Kataerine KROH, George Zwingli KROH, Sarah Rebecca KROH, Rosana Margaret KROH, Lauretta Ann KROH, Olevaneus Casper KROH.

bullet Alma STOUT(29) Parents: Henry STOUT and Ellen 'Ella' LANIER.

Children were: Ruth SWEATT, Henry SWEATT, Del SWEATT.

bulletElla STOUT(29). Parents: Henry STOUT and Ellen 'Ella' LANIER.

bulletHarry STOUT(29) was born in 1886. Parents: Henry STOUT and Ellen 'Ella' LANIER.

bullet Henry STOUT(28) (29) was born in 1851.

Children were: Harry STOUT, Ella STOUT, Howard STOUT, Alma STOUT.

bulletHoward STOUT(29). Parents: Henry STOUT and Ellen 'Ella' LANIER.

bulletElizabeth STOVALL died on 21 May 1888. She was born abt1796 in Hall Co. Ga.

bulletSTRADA 'THE FAIR'. Parents: Prince of Wales CADVAN OF CAMBRIA and GLADYS.

She was married to King of Colchester COEL. Children were: HELEN .

bullet Patricia Ann STRANGE(60)

She was married to Robert Micheal STOLTZ on 23 Nov 1969 in Freelandville, IN. Children were: Robert Randel STOLTZ.

bullet Marie Ilsabein STRANKHERRECK

Children were: Johann Friederich Reinard WICKENCAMP.

bulletSTUART .

bulletLyda Vernon STUART(28) (29).

Children were: Robert D. Jr. MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN.

bulletJennifer Lynn STUBBLEFIELD was born on 23 Sep 1971. Parents: Richard L. STUBBLEFIELD and Carolyn Sue BAKER.

bullet Lorena Emeline 'Lula' STUBBLEFIELD(29) was born in 1872. She died in 1921.


bullet Rebecca Alyce STUBBLEFIELD was born on 13 May 1975 in Sesser, Illinois. She died on 13 May 1975 in Sesser, Illinois. Parents: Richard L. STUBBLEFIELD and Carolyn Sue BAKER.

bullet Richard L. STUBBLEFIELD

He was married to Carolyn Sue BAKER on 14 Oct 1967 in Sesser, Illinois. Children were: Jennifer Lynn STUBBLEFIELD, Sara Elizabeth STUBBLEFIELD , Rebecca Alyce STUBBLEFIELD.

bullet Sara Elizabeth STUBBLEFIELD was born on 21 May 1974. Parents: Richard L. STUBBLEFIELD and Carolyn Sue BAKER.

bullet Bernice STUDEBAKER(61) was born on 14 Oct 1906 in Ashland, OR.. Parents: Daniel E. STUDEBAKER and Florence PETERS.

bulletDaniel E. STUDEBAKER(61) was born on 27 Aug 1856 in Dayton, OH. He died on 7 Nov 1886 in Layfayette, IN.

He was married to Florence PETERS on 27 Dec 1881 in Mulberry, IN.. Children were: Robert Bruce STUDEBAKER, Bernice STUDEBAKER.

bullet Robert Bruce STUDEBAKER(61) was born on 9 Dec 1882 in Mulberry, IN.. Parents: Daniel E. STUDEBAKER and Florence PETERS.

He was married to Ethel Marion AUGIR on 14 Oct 1906 in Ashland, OR..

bullet Countess of Montford SUANA

She was married to BRUNO . Children were: ECKBERT OF SAXONY.

bullet Newthemia SULLINS(5) was born on 11 Sep 1933. She died on 18 Jan 2000.

She was married to Alfred Lee (Pete) COX in 1952. Children were: Petrina Louise COX.

bullet Britney Danyelle SULLIVAN was born on 25 Mar 1989. Parents: Marvin Wayne SULLIVAN and Jennifer Lee CRAWFORD .

bullet Hunter Wayne SULLIVAN was born on 11 Dec 1996. Parents: Marvin Wayne SULLIVAN and Jennifer Lee CRAWFORD .

bullet Marvin Wayne SULLIVAN was born on 16 Dec 1962.

He was married to Jennifer Lee CRAWFORD on 24 Sep 1988. Children were: Britney Danyelle SULLIVAN, Hunter Wayne SULLIVAN .

bullet SUNNICHILDA Parents: Duke of Bavaria GRIMOLD II and VALENTRUDA.

She was married to King of France Charles 'The Hammer' MARTEL. Children were: King of France The Short PEPIN LE BREF.

bullet Chief of the Frankish Tribes SUNNO OR HUNNO died died in 213. Parents: Chief of the Frankish Tribes FARABART.

Children were: Chief of the Frankish Tribes HILDERIC.

bulletJohn A. SUPRUNOWSKI was born on 1 Apr 1891 in Mode, IL. He died on 29 Sep 1956 in Dillon, Tazewell Co., IL.

He was married to Martha Matilda Rose MONTGOMERY on 6 Jan 1924 in Dillon, Tazewell Co., IL.

bullet Edmond SUTTON patron of Aston-le-Walls Rectory Parents: John De SUTTON and Elizabeth BERKELEY of noted ancestry .

He was married to Joyce TIPOFT. Children were: Edward SUTTON Baron of Dudley.

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