bullet Gerald Lee GIBBS(22) was born on 10 Mar 1937. Parents: Lelan GIBBS and Anna Belle WILLIS.

He was married to Anita Fay SCHMIDT on 20 Jun 1959.

bullet Joseph Dale GIBBS(22) was born on 27 Feb 1945. Parents: Lelan GIBBS and Anna Belle WILLIS.

bulletLelan GIBBS(22) was born on 2 Mar 1915 in Gibson co. Princeton, Indiana. He died on 6 Aug 1986.

He was married to Anna Belle WILLIS on 6 Jun 1933. Children were: Billy Gene GIBBS, Gerald Lee GIBBS, Marjorie Catherine GIBBS, Donald Ray GIBBS, Joseph Dale GIBBS, Thomas Wayne GIBBS.

bullet Marjorie Catherine GIBBS(22) was born on 26 Mar 1939. Parents: Lelan GIBBS and Anna Belle WILLIS.

bulletThomas Wayne GIBBS(22). Parents: Lelan GIBBS and Anna Belle WILLIS.

He was married to Mary MILTON in Jun 1965.

He was married to Bonnie Lou TEMPLETON on 3 Jun 1969.

bullet Laura GIBLER

She was married to David MAXWELL on 31 Jan 1871 in Ogle Co. IL.

bullet Lucy GIBSON was born about 1806 in Clark Co. IN.

She was married to Eli BRASELTON on 1 Feb 1827 in Clark Co. IN.

bullet Anne Christine Friederike GIESSELMANN was born on 13 Mar 1790 in Rehme, Minden, Germany. Parents: Jobst Heinrich GIESSELMANN and Catharine Elisabeth ROELKE.

She was married to Karl Heinrich WICKENCAMP on 25 May 1823 in Rehme, Minden, Germany. Children were: Karl Friederich WICKENCAMP , Anne Christine Friederike WICKENCAMP, Karl Heinrich WICKENCAMP.

bullet Anne Marie Hedwig GIESSELMANN was born on 21 Apr 1803 in Rehme, Minden, Germany. Parents: Jobst Heinrich GIESSELMANN and Catharine Elisabeth ROELKE.

She was married to Karl Heinrich WICKENCAMP on 13 Mar 1831 in Ev. Luth. Church, Rehme, Minden, Germany. Children were: Johann Karl Friederich [Wilhelm] WICKENCAMP, Friederike Christine WICKENCAMP, Christine Friederica WICKENCAMP, Christine Friederica WICKENCAMP, Karl Friederich WICKENCAMP.

bullet Caroline Louise Charlotte GIESSELMANN was born on 10 Jun 1827 in Bergkirehen, Minden, Prussia, Germany. Parents: Johann Heinrich GIESSELMANN and Anna Maria Christina KRIEGER.

She was married to Johann Karl Friederich [Wilhelm] WICKENCAMP in Aug 1855 in Bergkirchen, Minden, Germany. Children were: Karoline Justine WICKENCAMP, Ernst Heinrich Wilhelm WICKENCAMP, Heinrich [Friederich] Wilhelm WICKENCAMP , Karl Friederich [Heinrich] WICKENCAMP, Caroline Sophie WICKENCAMP.

bullet Jobst Heinrich GIESSELMANN resided Borghausen, Germany.

He was married to Catharine Elisabeth ROELKE on 10 Feb 1787. Children were: Anne Marie Hedwig GIESSELMANN, Anne Christine Friederike GIESSELMANN.

bullet Johann Heinrich GIESSELMANN

Children were: Caroline Louise Charlotte GIESSELMANN.

bulletAmber Lorien GILBERT(12) was born on 12 Feb 1985. Parents: David Irvin GILBERT and Terri Ann MCREYNOLDS.

bullet Carly Susanne GILBERT(12) was born on 4 Apr 1987. Parents: David Irvin GILBERT and Terri Ann MCREYNOLDS.

bullet David Irvin GILBERT(12) was born on 22 Feb 1958.

He was married to Terri Ann MCREYNOLDS on 18 Jun 1983 in Lithonia, GA. Children were: Amber Lorien GILBERT, Carly Susanne GILBERT.

bullet Linda GILBERT(18)

Children were: Blake THOMSON, Ellen THOMSON.

bulletJosehine Leslie GILE(29) was born in 1962.

Children were: Adam Adair REEVES, Masom McRaven REEVES, Daniel Duncan REEVES.

bulletGILES (41).

He was married to Martha Jane COX.

bullet John Darrell GILL

Children were: Vicki Lynn GILL .

bulletVicki Lynn GILL was born on 1 Jan 1955 in Ft.Benning, GA. Parents: John Darrell GILL and Myrna Faye LECKRONE.

She was married to Chris Lee COX on 25 Aug 1979. Children were: Michel Lee COX, Daniel Allen COX.

bullet C. D. GILLESPIE(28) (29) was born in 1853.

bulletRuth Fern GILLIHAN(52).

She was married to Melvin DEISHER. (154) Children were: Melvin Danny DEISHER .

bullet Duke of Freuli GISULPH died in 611 in Avari [killed invading Avari]. Parents: DUKE OF FREULI GRASULFO.

He was married to ROMILDA. Children were: GAILA.

bullet Douglas Wayne GIVEN was born on 24 Jun 1950. Parents: Wallace Wayne GIVEN and Donna Mae COX.

bullet Rhonda Catherine GIVEN was born on 1 Jul 1948. Parents: Wallace Wayne GIVEN and Donna Mae COX.

She was married to Brent HARMON. Children were: Kelly Dawn HARMON.

bullet Wallace Wayne GIVEN was born on 8 Apr 1924 in Grayville, Illinois. He died on 12 Jul 1990 in Indiana.

He was married to Donna Mae COX on 24 Aug 1944. Children were: Rhonda Catherine GIVEN , Douglas Wayne GIVEN.

bullet GLADYS Parents: King of Siluria LEUVYR MAWYR and GLADYS.

She was married to Prince of Wales CADVAN OF CAMBRIA. Children were: STRADA 'THE FAIR' .

bullet GLADYS

She was married to King of Siluria LEUVYR MAWYR . Children were: GLADYS.

bullet Kenneth GLENN(60)

Children were: Leslie Dawn GLENN.

bulletLeslie Dawn GLENN(60) was born in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Kenneth GLENN and Velvet Ann RENNER.

bullet Caroline Blossom GLUCKE(18) was born on 2 Apr 1887 in Evansville, IN..

She was married to Bartley Guy FLAGLER on 15 Aug 1906 in Evansville, IN.

bullet Count of Galinais GOEFFREY

He was married to Emengarde FULK. Children were: FULK LE RECHIN "CROSS LOOKING" Count of Anjou.

bullet Marsha GOIST(80) was born on 28 Aug 1945.

bulletRalph GOLDMAN(41).

He was married to Martha Jane COX.

bullet Richard Steven GOLDNER(11) was born on 30 Mar 1967 in NY. He was a Certified Public Accountant.

He was married to Theresa Ann GRENZ on 21 Aug 1982 in Sacramento, CA.

bullet King of the Vandals GONDEGUSHIS invaded in 406 in Gaul.

He was married to FLORA. Children were: King of Spain 'The Rod of God' GENSERICH.



bulletDanny GOODMAN(38). Parents: Hurbert GOODMAN and Betty RICHARDSON.

bulletDebbie GOODMAN(38). Parents: Hurbert GOODMAN and Betty RICHARDSON.

bulletDonald GOODMAN(38). Parents: Hurbert GOODMAN and Betty RICHARDSON.

bulletHurbert GOODMAN(38).

He was married to Betty RICHARDSON in Jul 1954 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois.(53) Children were: Donald GOODMAN, Hurbert Jr. GOODMAN, Danny GOODMAN, Debbie GOODMAN, Randy GOODMAN.

bullet Hurbert Jr. GOODMAN(38) Parents: Hurbert GOODMAN and Betty RICHARDSON.

bullet Randy GOODMAN(38) Parents: Hurbert GOODMAN and Betty RICHARDSON.

bullet King of Denmark GORM :THE GRIM" was Raided Russia Germany and France; defeated by King Arnulf of Germany but escaped death. Parents: King of Denmark Horda CANUTE.

He was married to THYRA OF JUTLAND. Children were: King of Denmark Harold "Blue Tooth" BLASTAND.

bullet Chrisy Lynn GOSS was born on 17 Mar 1970. Parents: Larry GOSS and Hedy Marlene COX.

She was married to Danny YOUNG on 4 Jun 1995.

bullet Fern GOSS(19) was born on 8 May 1908. She died on 22 Nov 1979.

bulletLarry GOSS was born on 28 Jul 1945.

He was married to Hedy Marlene COX on 4 Jul 1968. Children were: Chrisy Lynn GOSS, Mindy Jean GOSS.

bullet Mindy Jean GOSS was born on 12 Mar 1981. Parents: Larry GOSS and Hedy Marlene COX.

bullet Georgia GOTT was born on 26 May 1889 in Springfield, Mo.. She died on 27 Aug 1974 in Springfield, Mo..

She was married to John D. SCHAEFFER on 2 Nov 1910. Children were: Frances Mildred SCHAEFFER .

bullet Desda Lillian GOULD(82) was born on 19 Mar 1894 in Ellsworth, KS.. Parents: Lyman Truman GOULD and Rose Mary ROULSTON.

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