bullet Clara Maude BATES(18) was born on 29 Sep 1868 in Portland, OR..

She was married to Frederick William KNIGHT on 2 Sep 1894 in Oakland, CA.. Children were: Frances KNIGHT, Frederick William , Jr. KNIGHT .

bullet Harold William BATES was born on 5 Mar 1949.

He was married to Donna Sue MCRAVEN on 20 Feb 1972. He was divorced from Donna Sue MCRAVEN on 15 Jun 1987. Children were: Tracie Diane BATES , William Travis BATES.

bullet Tracie Diane BATES was born on 23 Feb 1975. Parents: Harold William BATES and Donna Sue MCRAVEN.

She was married to Curtis Michael WEBB on 27 Dec 1997. Children were: Ryan Thomas WEBB.

bullet William Travis BATES was born on 19 May 1977. Parents: Harold William BATES and Donna Sue MCRAVEN.

bullet Britteny Ruth BAUMAN(66) Parents: Robert BAUMAN and Sharon Louise BOERNER.

bullet Robert BAUMAN(66)

Children were: Britteny Ruth BAUMAN.

bulletHarold Kelsey BAXTER(18) was born in 1884.

He was married to Helene Ashley HARROLD on 5 Dec 1911 in Alameda, CA.. Children were: Robert Harold BAXTER , William Allen BAXTER.

bullet Kelsey Lei BAXTER(18) was born in 1945. Parents: Robert Harold BAXTER and Helene Lucille HARD.

bullet Robert Harold BAXTER(18) was born between 6 Oct 1912 and Jan . Parents: Harold Kelsey BAXTER and Helene Ashley HARROLD.

He was married to Helene Lucille HARD in 1943. Children were: Kelsey Lei BAXTER.

bullet William Allen BAXTER(18) was born on 9 Feb 1915. Parents: Harold Kelsey BAXTER and Helene Ashley HARROLD.

He was married to Marietta JUDSON on 6 Jun 1940 in San Francisco, CA..

bullet John BEARD

He was married to Jane Camelia MCRAVEN ALSO MCCRAVIN.

bullet Janet BEATON

Children were: Jean HAMILTON, James HAMILTON.

bulletBEATRICE . Parents: King MALCOLM II of Scotland.

She was married to Abbott of Dunkeld CRINAN "THE THONE" . Children were: DUNCAN I KING OF SCOTLAND.

bullet BEATRIX Parents: Count of Senlis and Valois PEPIN I.

She was married to King of France15th June 923 ROBERT Markgraf of Anjou:Count of Paris. Children were: Duke of the Franks Hugh CAPET "THE GREAT" Count of Paris.

bullet Edmund BEAUFORT Parents: John BEAUFORT and : Margaret HOLLAND.


Children were: John of GAUNT BEAUFORT .

bulletHenry BEAUFORT. Parents: John BEAUFORT and : Margaret HOLLAND.

bulletJoan BEAUFORT died in 1445. Parents: John BEAUFORT and : Margaret HOLLAND.

Children were: JAMES II STEWART, John STEWART, Andrew STEWART.

bulletJohn BEAUFORT died in 1410. Parents: John of GAUNT BEAUFORT and : Catherine Swynford ROET.

Children were: Joan BEAUFORT, Henry BEAUFORT , John BEAUFORT, Edmund BEAUFORT , Margaret BEAUFORT.

bulletJohn BEAUFORT. Parents: John BEAUFORT and : Margaret HOLLAND.

bulletJohn of GAUNT BEAUFORT. Parents: EDWARD, III BEAUFORT and Philippa of HAINAULT.

Children were: John BEAUFORT.

bulletMargaret BEAUFORT. Parents: John BEAUFORT and : Margaret HOLLAND.

bulletMary Katharine BEBER.

Children were: Virginia White RUFFNER.

bulletCora BEDEL(67) was born on 21 Aug 1870 in Ellsworth, KS..

She was married to Clarence Egbert ROULSTON on 19 Feb 1893 in Ellsworth, KS. Children were: Claude Allen ROULSTON, Henry William ROULSTON .

bullet BEGGS

She was married to ANSEGHIS Mayor of Palace of King . Children were: PEPIN II Mayor of Palace of France .

bullet Daniel BEIBER

He was married to Esther DEISHER.

bullet Clarence Chaley BELL(18) was born on 15 Jul 1885 in Evansville, IN. Parents: Clark Thomas BELL and Sarah Joshua Leland FLAGLER.

bullet Clark Thomas BELL(18) was born on 3 May 1858 in Evansville, IN..

He was married to Sarah Joshua Leland FLAGLER on 11 Aug 1881 in Evansville, IN.. Children were: Walter BELL, Ruthet BELL, Clarence Chaley BELL.

bullet Hugh L. BELL

He was married to Sarah BRASELTON on 25 Apr 1830.

bullet Kate BELL(12) was born on 15 Oct 1843 in Rhea Co. TN. She died on 7 Nov 1939 in Pikeville, Bledsoe Co. TN. Parents: William BELL and Nancy RAINEY .

She was married to Samuel M. MCREYNOLDS on 30 May 1876.

bullet Laura BELL was born on 15 Aug 1980.

She was married to Adam Sean BURMAN on 10 Aug 1999 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Children were: Austin Sean BURMAN, Makayla Marie BURMAN.

bullet Ruthet BELL(18) was born on 17 Jul 1884 in Evansville, IN. She died on 23 Jul 1884 in Evansville, IN.. Parents: Clark Thomas BELL and Sarah Joshua Leland FLAGLER .

bullet Walter BELL(18) was born on 25 Jun 1882 in Evansville, IN.. He died on 10 Jul 1882 in Evansville, IN.. Parents: Clark Thomas BELL and Sarah Joshua Leland FLAGLER .

bullet William BELL(12)

Children were: Kate BELL.

bulletAlice BELLIS(11). Parents: John BELLIS and Sarah Jane MCREYNOLDS.

bulletEtta BELLIS(11). Parents: John BELLIS and Sarah Jane MCREYNOLDS.

bulletJohn BELLIS(11).

Children were: Martha BELLIS, Alice BELLIS, Etta BELLIS, John Jr. BELLIS.

bulletJohn Jr. BELLIS(11). Parents: John BELLIS and Sarah Jane MCREYNOLDS.

bulletMartha BELLIS(11). Parents: John BELLIS and Sarah Jane MCREYNOLDS.

bulletElizabeth BELLOMONT.

She was married to HENRY I KING OF ENGLAND. Children were: Count of Muellant Robert DE MUELLANT Earl of Gloucester.

bullet Nellie Agnes BEMAN(1) was born on 2 Aug 1878 in Azen, MO.

She was married to Harry Nelson KROH on 1 Mar 1899 in Rock Rapids, IA. Children were: Earl Nelson KROH, Harry Elvin KROH, Nellie Agnes KROH, Florence Elma KROH, Clifford KROH.

bullet Benjamin BENDER(68) was born on 8 May 1916.

He was married to Helen Virginia MCREYNOLDS. (69)

bullet David BENDER(15) Parents: Robert BENDER and Ovela BURTON.

bullet Randy BENDER(15) Parents: Robert BENDER and Ovela BURTON.

bullet Robert BENDER(15)

Children were: David BENDER, Randy BENDER.

bulletRita Ramona BENEGAS(18) was born on 17 Oct 1958 in Amarillo, TX..

She was married to Michael Milligan NEWELL on 2 Sep 1995 in San Francisco, CA.

bullet Adeline BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet David BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet Elizbeth BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

bullet Harriet Dalpha BENINE Parents: John BANINE and Nancy MONTGOMERY.

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