bullet June SCHUMERT was born on 15 Feb 1925. Parents: Arch SCHUMERT and Cecil [twin] LANSDOWN.

bullet Linda Deloris SCHUSTER(94) was born on 16 Jul 1945 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: Morris SCHUSTER and Deloris Imogene MOORE.

Children were: Lara Denise DEBRA.

bulletMorris SCHUSTER(94).

Children were: Linda Deloris SCHUSTER.

bulletHerman M. SCHUTZ was born on 31 Oct 1886. He died on 7 Dec 1957 in Arapahoe, Nebraska. He was buried in Salem-West Luth. Cem. Frontier County Nebraska.

He was married to Therese Clara Hedwig WICKENCAMP on 29 Sep 1910 in Salem Luthern Church, Frontier Co. Nebraska. Children were: Walter Richard SCHUTZ.

bullet Ida SCHUTZ

She was married to Cornellius Herman PFEIFFER on 18 Oct 1928.

bullet Walter Richard SCHUTZ was born on 8 Dec 1912 in Frontier County, Nebraska. He died on 6 May 1979 in Elwood, Nebraska. Parents: Herman M. SCHUTZ and Therese Clara Hedwig WICKENCAMP.

He was married to Ellen KOCH on 30 Dec 1937 in St.John's Luth. Ch. Eustis, Neb..

bullet SCOTA

Children were: GAODHAL.

bulletSCOTA .

She was married to MILESUIS OF SPAIN. Children were: HEREMON.

bullet Caroline Margaret SCOTT(18) Parents: Thomas Harold SCOTT and Catherine Emilie NEWELL .

bullet Caroline Margaret SCOTT(1) was born on 27 Apr 1972 in Naval Hospital, Port Hueneme, CA.. Parents: Thomas Harold SCOTT and Catherine Emilie NEWELL .

bullet David SCOTT Parents: Hiram Gaylord SCOTT and Mildred Mary MONTGOMERY.

bullet Dianna SCOTT(87) was born on 17 Nov 1940.

She was married to William Lloyd GARRETT on 16 Apr 1960.(90) Children were: Rebecca Sue [Beckie] GARRETT, Elizabeth [Beth Ann] GARRETT.

bullet Douglas Michael SCOTT(1) Parents: Tasso Harold SCOTT and Kathryn TERHUNE.

bullet Elizabeth SCOTT was born on 22 Jan 1815 in Tennesse. She died on 20 Mar 1886 in Waynesville, DeWitt Co. IL. She was buried in Rock Creek Cem., Waynesville, DeWitt Co. IL.

She was married to John MAXWELL on 17 Jul 1834 in Sangamon Co. IL.

bullet Emilie Kathryn SCOTT(18) Parents: Thomas Harold SCOTT and Catherine Emilie NEWELL .

bullet Emilie Kathryn SCOTT(1) was born on 6 Mar 1977 in Pasadena, CA. Parents: Thomas Harold SCOTT and Catherine Emilie NEWELL.

bullet Etta SCOTT

She was married to David WALLACE on 8 Sep 1885.

bullet Hiram Gaylord SCOTT

He was married to Mildred Mary MONTGOMERY in 1927. Children were: David SCOTT.

bullet Jane SCOTT

bulletMartin SCOTT was born on 14 Mar 1807 in Jackson Co. Tennessee. He was born on 14 Mar 1807 in Jackson Co. Tennessee. He died on 29 Jul 1886 in Davies Co. Missouri. He died on 29 Jul 1886 in Davies Co. Missouri. He was buried in Scotland Cem., Daviess Co. Missouri. He was buried in Scotland Cem., Daviess Co. Missouri.

He was married to Mary MAXWELL on 18 Apr 1835 in McLean Co. IL.

He was married to Lucinda MAXWELL on 26 Feb 1830 in Tazewell Co. IL.

bullet Paul Dawson SCOTT(1) was born on 26 Jan 1876 in Pana, IL.

He was married to Sadie Velzetta KROH on 15 Feb 1903 in Natoma, KS. Children were: Tasso Harold SCOTT, Walter Lawrence SCOTT.

bullet Tasso Harold SCOTT(1) was born on 25 Jan 1905 in Natoma, KS. He died on 17 Sep 1989 in Bethesda, MD. [Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 4, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Social Security Death Index, Surnames from M through Z, Date of Import: Mar 9, 1997, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Scott, Tasso
Birth date: Jan 25, 1905
Death date: Sep 17, 1989
Social Security #: 217-44-2334
Last residence: 20895
State of issue: MD
Parents: Paul Dawson SCOTT and Sadie Velzetta KROH.

Children were: Watson Terhune SCOTT, Douglas Michael SCOTT, Thomas Harold SCOTT.

bulletThomas Harold SCOTT(18) (1) was born on 24 Aug 1946 in Bethesda, MD. He was born on 24 Aug 1946 in Bethesda, MD. Parents: Tasso Harold SCOTT and Kathryn TERHUNE.

He was married to Catherine Emilie NEWELL on 23 Aug 1969 in Santa Fe, NM. Children were: Caroline Margaret SCOTT, Emilie Kathryn SCOTT , Caroline Margaret SCOTT, Emilie Kathryn SCOTT.

bullet Walter Lawrence SCOTT(1) was born on 8 Jan 1907 in Osborn, KS. Parents: Paul Dawson SCOTT and Sadie Velzetta KROH.

bullet Watson Terhune SCOTT(1) Parents: Tasso Harold SCOTT and Kathryn TERHUNE.

bullet Will SCOTT(12)

bulletOlivia SCRAGGS(28) (29) was born in 1952.

bulletDiane SEARS(32).

She was married to Sterling Eugene POTTS on 1 Nov 1970 in Shawnee Town, IL. Children were: Troy Eugene POTTS, Sean Sterling POTTS.

bullet SEATON (42)

He was married to Ruby DEISHER.(43)

bullet William Austin SEAY

bulletArlene SEIBERT(79). Parents: Ralph SEIBERT and Florence DUPERE.

bulletBrent SEIBERT(79). Parents: Robert SEIBERT and Carolyn Kay CROSS.

bulletDonald SEIBERT(79). Parents: Ralph SEIBERT and Florence DUPERE.

bulletElma SEIBERT(79) was born on 14 Feb 1914 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER .

Children were: May RONK, Karen RONK.

bulletGeorge Franklin SEIBERT(79) was born on 23 Dec 1878 in Wabash Co., IL.

He was married to Ella Clementine REISINGER on 25 Aug 1901 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. (148) Children were: Ralph SEIBERT, Mildred SEIBERT, Ivan SEIBERT, Roland W. SEIBERT, Elma SEIBERT, Wendell SEIBERT.

bullet Ivan SEIBERT(79) was born on 26 Feb 1907 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. He died in Jan 1962 in Hammond, IN. Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER.

He was married to Irene CUNNUNGHAM.(148) Children were: Robert SEIBERT.

bullet James F. SEIBERT(79) Parents: Roland W. SEIBERT and Hazel UTLEY.

Children were: Tari Lynn SEIBERT.

bulletLisa SEIBERT(79). Parents: Robert SEIBERT and Carolyn Kay CROSS.

bulletMildred SEIBERT(79) was born on 6 Oct 1904 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. She died on 22 Oct 1981 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. She was buried in Highland Mem. Park Cemetary Mt.Carmel, Illinois.(148) Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER .

Children were: William BRINES.

She was married to Monroe WADDLE on 12 Jul 1952. (148)

bullet Nadine SEIBERT(79) Parents: Ralph SEIBERT and Florence DUPERE.

She was married to James WINTIZER. (148) Children were: Kevin WINTIZER, Cheryl WINTIZER.

bullet Ralph SEIBERT(79) was born on 7 Nov 1902 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER .

He was married to Florence DUPERE on 23 May. (148) Children were: Arlene SEIBERT, Donald SEIBERT, Nadine SEIBERT.

bullet Richard SEIBERT(79) Parents: Roland W. SEIBERT and Hazel UTLEY.

bullet Robert SEIBERT(79) Parents: Ivan SEIBERT and Irene CUNNUNGHAM.

Children were: Todd SEIBERT, Brent SEIBERT, Lisa SEIBERT.

bulletRoland W. SEIBERT(79) was born on 16 Mar 1909 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER .

He was married to Hazel UTLEY on 22 May 1937. (148) Children were: Roland W. SEIBERT, James F. SEIBERT, Richard SEIBERT.

bullet Roland W. SEIBERT(79) Parents: Roland W. SEIBERT and Hazel UTLEY.

bullet Sharon SEIBERT(79) was born on 6 Oct 1946 in Princeton Indiana Gibson Co. Parents: Wendell SEIBERT and Rochelle RONK.

Children were: Stephen Wendell WALTERS.

bulletTari Lynn SEIBERT(79). Parents: James F. SEIBERT and Pamela Sue HARMON.

bulletTodd SEIBERT(79). Parents: Robert SEIBERT and Carolyn Kay CROSS.

bulletWendell SEIBERT(79) was born on 1 Sep 1916 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. He died on 8 Mar 1964 in Wabash County Mt.Carmel, Illinois. He was buried in Highland Mem. Park Cemetary Mt.Carmel, Illinois.(148) Parents: George Franklin SEIBERT and Ella Clementine REISINGER .

He was married to Rochelle RONK on 8 May 1946. (148) Children were: Sharon SEIBERT.

bullet Jacob SEIDEL

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