Prettyman Marvel came to Indiana Territory in 1807 settling a short distance south of where Princeton is now located. He was born in the 1760s in Deleware. He married Lavina Rogers and they had nine children: John Patience born in 1796 in Deleware married Robin Montgomery, in 1812. He was a school teacher. He also fought in the battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Comfort Prettyman born 10-20-1815 in Posey Co. Ind. James Wiley born 1806 married Charity Elizabeth born around 1800 married Edmond McReynolds{He is probably a relative of my wife Ruth Ann Braselton} Nancy married a man named Stone George R. Robin and Patience Montgomery had ten children: William born 2-15-1814 married Elizabeth Olivia Davis Prettyman "Marvel" Montgomery born 10-20-1815 married Patsy Prewitt (daughter of Moses Prewitt and Phoebe(Williams) Prewitt in 1837. He also married Melissa Trible 5-12-1851. Samuel born 10-28-1824 married Phobe Prewitt daughter of Moses Prewitt and Phoebe "Williams" John born 2-1-1818 Robert born 9-10-1831 married Priscilla Knowles James born 1-7-1827 married Louise Knowles George born 5-14-1834 married Lydi Yeager Thomas born 6-7-1838 married Mary Ann Borton Elizabeth born 4-14-1820 married Jonathon Davis brother of William's wife. Nancy born 9-12-1822 married John Baine Prettyman "Marvel" Montgomery, a farmer and stockman, and Patsy Prewitt had six children: Phoebe A born 1838 married Franklin Hedrick Nancy E William R born 1842 Patience C. born 1845 married William H Robinson, son of Henry Robinson and his mother's maiden name was Burns. He was born in 1842 in Ill.Patience and William were married on 9-13-1866 in Gibson Co. Ind. Mary L. born 1846 married Adam Ort James Howard born 1848 married Elizabeth Wilkinson Patsy died May 10th 1850 and was burried in Williams Cemetary. On May 12th, 1851 in Gibson Co. Indiana. Prettyman then married Melissa Trible, born 8-22-1823, daughter of George Trible and Elizabeth (Bingham) Trible. They had eight children: Comfort born 1852 married James Monroe John born 1857 George born 1859 Prettyman D. married Sarah J. McCleary Susan Elizabeth Samuel Thomas Newton William H Robinson was a Corp. in the 58th Indiana Inf.He and Patience C."Motgomery" Robinson had nine children: Mary born 10-12-1867 died 5-3-1889 James born 1869 married Nellie Reynolds 4-1-1911 Alice born 1870 Oliver born 1873 married Margaret Bradshaw William Henry "Edgar" born 1875 married Elizabeth Willis Emery born 1-25-1875 married Mary E "Molly" Parke 12-23-1901 Prettyman Albert born 1878 married Lili Kilpatrick Issac Newton Robinson born 3-30-1882, died 4-8-1949 married Martha Alice Wallace, daughter of James Henry and Mary Jane (Hodges) Wallace on July 4th, 1919 Rosie born 9-4-1889 married Edgar Holder
Arthur Wallace married Nancy "Peggy" Johnson County Longford Ireland Son:Robert Wallace married Violet Burnett Migrated to Baltimore, Maryland in 1776 Children: Arthur Charles born Balt.,Md.1777 married Nancy Benton William went to Ill. Robert went to Ind. John went to Gibson Co. Ind.1829 born 1782 Margaret married Peter Shawn John Wallace born 1782 married Frances Taylor born 1787. They had 11 children: Charles Franklin born 1808 married Dicey Wooley Nancy born 1809 married Horatio Bryant Elizabeth born 1812 married Duke Chambers Robert born 1813 John T. born 1813? married Nancy Tyler(Nancy King) Julia Ann Reavis William born Jan. 21st,1817 married Mary Jane Witherspoon James Sampson Didn't return from Cival War Violet Ann born 1820 married Lenvel Witherspoon Frances Jane born 1824 married Samuel A. Williams Elvira married Andrew Gadgel Henry L. born 1819 married Mary Jane Devin William Walllace married Mary Jane Witherspoon in Gibson Co. Ind. October, 5th,1837. They had fourteen children: James Henry born 11-25-1838 married Mary Jane Hodges David married Etta Scott 9-8-1885 Nancy Ellen William Dudley Elijah married Rhetta Blythe 9-30-1886 Manuel Etta Fanny Issac Abraham Charles Christela married a Palmer Bertha married a Hart Robert James Henry Wallace and Mary Jane Hodges had 10 children: Martha Alice born 12-18-1885 married Issac Robinson Amos married Sarah Louise Thelfeld 3-1-1903 Hattie married Henry Malone Will James Ella married John Reynolds Marion Ottis Russel Vernie Martha Alice (Wallace) Robinson and Issac Newton Robinson married July 4th, 1919. She had a son by a previous marriage and he had a daughter and a son by a previous marriage: Owen Robinson (husband's son) born 12-7-1907 married Nellie Devon Cole (wife's son) born 9-28-1914 in Oklahoma Senora Robinson (husband's daughter) born 6-21-1915 married Paul Slifer Virginia Fern born 6-21-1920 died in 1926 Marjorie Pauline born 1-27-1922 in Oakland City, Ind. married Charles Jacob Braselton 9-17-1939 in Bethleham Parsonage. Charles Jacob Braselton and Marjorie Pauline (Robinson) Braselton had four Children: Charles Jacob Jr."CJ" born 5-27-1940 married Ruth Ann Cox 3-16-1960 Paul Milton born 12-31-1941 married Roxanne Clara Smith 10-2-1964 Jana Lou born 7-4-1951 married Gerald Owen Creek 11-29-1969 Scott Allen born 1-31-1962 "CJ" and Ruth Ann had five children; Barbara Lou born 4-14-1960, first married Gary Alan Nease1-5-1980. They have a daughter: Charla Marie Nease born 8-15-1980. She then married Charles Edward Jones 12-10-1988, they have a son: Charles Justin Jones born 6-20-1989. Elizabeth Ann born 11-19-1961 and Richie Martin have 2 children. Sara Elizabeth Martin born 11-4-1993 Jacob Alan Martin born 3-2-1996. Rebecca Louise born 11-13-1963 married Wayne John Lauer 2-25-1983. They have 2 sons: Joshua Marshall Lauer born 10-16-1985 Mark Lloyd Lauer born 7-10-1987 Deborah Lynn born 1-3 -1965 first married James Gerard 4-13-1985. They had 2 daughters: Samantha Nicole Gerard born 11-16-1985 Jessica Dianne Gerard born 9-19-1986. She then married Andrew Jackson "AJ" Waite 2-8-1997. AJ adopted Samantha and Jessica in November of 1997. Now the childrens names are: Samantha Nicole Waite Jessica Dianne Waite Tracy Jo born 3-15-1969 married Randy Ray Byrd 11-8-1986. They had 2 sons: Randall Ray Byrd Jr. born 4-14-1987 Robert Lee Byrd born 2-7-1992. She then divorced Randy. She and Curtis Allen Fuller have one son: Curtis Allen Fuller Jr. born 3-5-1996. Paul and "Roxie" had one son: Quentin Jackson born 4-8-1966 in Bangor, Maine Jana and "Owen" had three children: Shannon Lichelle born 10-15-1970 married Scotty DeLong Sept.17,1994 They have a son Samuel Nov.13,1997 Eric Dukane born 1-21-1973 married Karen Gaskins Aug.20th,1995 Tiffany Michelle born 1-20-1976